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SeaJay1187 t1_jbot9j0 wrote

It’s a joke. Sorry you take everything so seriously you read online. Carry on with your day and keep your assumptions of another’s character to yourself…. See you next tuesday.


MajorProblem50 t1_jbotvr9 wrote

iT's A jOkE bRo.

Classic defense for weakness.


SeaJay1187 t1_jbou6vj wrote

Classic response to you being a cunt lol. You’re username says enough about yourself.


bleepbloopbluupp t1_jbowc0k wrote

you both should just fuck and get it over with


SeaJay1187 t1_jbp2q0m wrote

I did nothing except say an obvious joke lol, this person just attacked me for no reason lol guess he/she is mad they can’t hang.