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SeaJay1187 t1_jbokkx8 wrote

Back in my day at umass lowell, we mixed the vodka with beer and lemonade powder mix, no water. Called it porch crawlers because we’d have to crawl buck up the porch by the end of the night. I blame Covid for these softies. Or the hood is just better at drinking than the pastures out west.


TheMurkyA t1_jbonh0t wrote

Eh, Edward 40 hands challenge and jungle juice were cooler than this crap


Unique-Public-8594 t1_jboog69 wrote

From the article:

> AMHERST, Mass. (AP) — The University of Massachusetts is warning about a TikTok drinking trend after 28 ambulances were summoned to off-campus parties.

> Students were observed Saturday carrying jugs with a mixture of alcohol, electrolytes, flavoring and water, dubbed “blackout rage gallons,” or “BORGs,” in a binge-drinking trend gaining traction on TikTok, officials said.

> There were so many calls for ambulances for student alcohol intoxication that neighboring agencies stepped in to help, officials said. The Amherst Fire Department said none of the cases were life-threatening. UMass Police reported two arrests for underage drinking.

> UMass officials said this is the first time the university has observed widespread use of BORGs at off-campus parties.

> In a statement, the university said the weekend’s events will be assessed and steps taken to improve alcohol education. Incoming students already learn about physiological and medical risks of binge drinking.

> The weekend’s festivities are known among UMass students as the “Blarney Blowout,” an annual unsanctioned event related to upcoming St. Patrick’s Day, local media reported.


[deleted] t1_jbopsy5 wrote

Invented on Tik Tok? Philadelphia will not be slandered like this


Throwaway1231200001 t1_jbp0dv7 wrote

Do they just keep these articles in MS word and just update every decade? Feel like the exact same thing was written during the 4 Loko run.


Flatout_87 t1_jbp8erj wrote

Someone told me umass is not a party school anymore. Any ideas?


Zilreth t1_jbp98v8 wrote

UMass blaming tiktok and not the school's culture lol, everyone there knows this is a yearly event called blarney blowout where everyone wears green, day drinks, and gets shitfaced. I'd bet 28 ambulances is well below the 10 year average on that weekend.


MattOLOLOL t1_jbpb6am wrote

I recognize those townhouses. This isn't tiktok, this is Blarney.


lucascorso21 t1_jbphft7 wrote

Yes, let’s blame TikTok and not normal drinking culture at big schools since forever.


krusty-o t1_jbphq3n wrote

These kids think they invented mixing Gatorade and vodka?


Capricore58 t1_jbpjpi3 wrote

Shit I remember a football playoff game between UMass and UNH and leaving the stadium to the parking lot paved in bud light cans. Was a blast, though my Wildcats lost. So yeah sounds like a typical UMass weekend to me


potentpotables t1_jbpmhrc wrote

Tucker Max death mix.

But, for everyone decrying how this isn't a new thing, the popularity is new because it spread on Tik Tok. Like, Nirvana didn't invent grunge, but they certainly brought it to the masses.


eustaciasgarden t1_jbpmjxg wrote

Some days I really miss working in the ER... putting college students in diapers and cleaning up their vomit.


Stateberg t1_jbpp2s3 wrote

What a waste of ambulances they be ready for real emergencies not some drunk partiers


romulusnr t1_jbps0p1 wrote

I won't believe this is a thing because I've yet to see anyone make one and call it Locutus Of Borg.

It's such an obvious name and yet I've yet to see it. They'll come up with all sorts of awkward puns but not the obvious one right in front of them? No way.


RupaulHollywood t1_jbptaz4 wrote

I had that exact drink while visiting UMass Amherst about fifteen years ago. We used frozen lemonade concentrate though.

Must just be inexperienced, or the campus cops just shipped everyone that looked overtly drunk. That'd be pretty par for the course.


GamerHaste t1_jbpuo0y wrote

Apparently not as crazy as it was. I was there from 2018-2022, after covid is was a lot more tame IMO. From other ppl i talked to while I was there it was nothing like it was back in like 2000s and early 2010s


Prestigious_Owl_6623 t1_jbpwczp wrote

I feel so bad for the people who live in Amherst and have to deal with those college kids. Bunch of my friends went to umass Amherst and the drinking was insane. It’s a Miracle any of them passed their classes.


aja09 t1_jbpwewq wrote

Nice yah made portable jungle juice…. Beginners


dew2459 t1_jbq4gpm wrote

Someone I know worked very hard her freshman year to get accepted into the honors program there. Why? Not because she was especially interested in the honors program, but it guaranteed she could move from the towers to different dorm housing.

She said, after the first couple months, despite being on the 5th of 6th floor (I forget which one) she started using the stairs a lot because the the horrible vomit smell in all the elevators, esp Fri-Sun, was too gross to deal with.


SeasonalBlackout t1_jbq5ets wrote

I had a friend who graduated from Umass Amherst, but mid way through got so hopped up on drugs and alcohol that he assaulted several people outside at an event including a campus cop who was trying to get him under control, got arrested (obv) and kicked out of campus housing and ended up in court-ordered rehab before he got his shit back together. They still let him finish his degree and attend classes but he had to live off campus.


dew2459 t1_jbq743h wrote

That is a bit like one of my high school classmates... except he also had terrible grades and did some major property damage, so UMass just threw him out permanently. He was allowed to go to a state college.

That was over 25 years ago when UMass Amherst was still earning a spot on some annual "top 10 party schools in the US" lists.


111unununium t1_jbq78wb wrote

Seems fairly smart. Hard To spike a drink then they all have caps.


Unstablemedic49 t1_jbq8i3t wrote

Also a bad batch of heroin going around the Middlesex, Suffolk, and Worcester counties. Am Firefighter/paramedic in one of these counties and it’s been a nightmare last few days. Quadruple Overdoses at the same time, in different parts of the city, continuously the last 48hrs. Some died, some lived.


photinakis t1_jbq8u3f wrote

Where you live at UMass changes your experience there so much. I was in the honors program back in the Zoomass days (when there was still a frat row) and really enjoyed it, and stayed in the nerd dorms and it was quiet and clean the whole time. Could not be more different from colleagues who spent their years on the exact opposite side of campus honestly.


AdvocateReason t1_jbqq1gd wrote

What is the etymology of 'borgs' in this context?

EDIT: Thank you other commenters:
"BlackOut Rage Gallons"


DegenGolfer t1_jbqsod8 wrote

I was there, it was a good time. Beer can send people to the hospital it’s about drinking responsibly


qoreilly t1_jbrcsbh wrote

I remember when they had this drink called Sparks. I drank a six pack of it and I blacked out. I remember waking up in my house and not sure how I got there, so I actually called my friend to find out what the fuck happened. And I could hold my liquor so that whole experience freaked me out. So after that no way to any of that. And when four loco came out I was just like no already been through this.


lardlad71 t1_jbrczlb wrote

Meh, I was there early 90’s. I should be dead. We didn’t need no stinkin ambulances.


Prodigal_Moon t1_jbs77oj wrote

Steel Reserve was cost effective but impressively nasty. I used to pour a tall boy into a little jug I had and then drop a shot of everclear in it. Malt liquor was a better way to go honestly. Don’t know people stopped drinking 40s.


MPLooza t1_jbs7rd7 wrote

Even in the early to mid 2010s it was slowing down, the admin started cracking down on things like the "riots" after Super Bowl/World Series and events like Blarney as they wanted to reform the school's image. Heard stories about Hobart Hoedown as the event that predated Blarney and was said to have been significantly more out of control


thegalwayseoige t1_jbs8ij3 wrote

Sparks>OG Four Loko. I used to pound 4 of those as a pregame. They came in 3 flavors:

-Silver can, orange trim -silver can, orange & blue trim -silver can, black trim, orange accents.

I can’t believe input my heart through that…man, to be in your 20’s again.


thegalwayseoige t1_jbs9m0b wrote

I mean…if you’re going to binge drink, you might as well add electrolytes. The drink isn’t the problem. The problem is they’re binging more than they can handle.


thisisinsider t1_jbshqec wrote

From the article:

The University of Massachusetts Amherst is blaming a TikTok drinking fad for 28 ambulances getting called to off-campus parties over the weekend.

According to school officials, students on Saturday were seen carrying large water jugs that contained a mixture of alcohol, electrolytes, and flavoring, believed to be what TikTokers call "borgs," or "blackout rage gallons."

The phenomenon has been fueled by recent viral videos featuring college students on TikTok making and drinking the concoction (though some videos referencing the drink date back to 2020). The viral drink has spawned borg tutorials, borg challenges, and borg skits.

While it's unclear if all 28 instances were related to "borg" drinking, UMass officials said they had never seen so many of these drinks before Saturday's "Blarney Blowout," an annual school celebration that typically comes before St. Patrick's Day, The Associated Press reported.

None of the cases were life-threatening, the Amherst Fire Department said.


Rick_Sanchez1214 t1_jbsm1jl wrote

Congratulations on discovering jungle juice. Who gives a shit


femtoinfluencer t1_jbtt1l2 wrote

love the accompanying photo of two MBA / psych major chicks.

never change, UMass.


phyzome t1_jc55k4a wrote

I never understood the attraction of this kind of thing.


kelliehoable t1_jclyvkb wrote

Four loko was def pre-dated by sparks. We used to buy them underage and mostly get what I think was the purple color one? Idk but Brownbagging those in rittenhouse was basically my high school experience lol.