Submitted by madeoflimbsandleaves t3_11nyc95 in massachusetts

My neighbor has a cleaning lady, she lets the dogs outside while she cleans (every week and yeah, must be nice!) and I can understand that it’s easier to clean without them inside. The only thing is these dogs CONTINUOUSLY bark. Non stop. I have a dog and I get that dogs bark! But, there’s no silence for at least 3 hours. Not to mention if our surrounding neighbors or us, let their dogs out to do their business these dogs immediately get going even more and it is just a whole process for everyone not just us. What do I do?!

Now let’s go to the owner. She isn’t approachable, my husband tried before and she shut the door in his face. He works two 24 hr shifts and sometimes sleeps during the day. On the day he went over there the dogs were barking outside for over an hour and he went over there and asked to have her bring her dogs inside. And ever since then it’s just been a useless interaction with her. ( she called the non emergency line on my husband for leaf blowing in our yard because some pine needles FROM HER TREE were in her yard because of him?! ) she has landscapers that always blow stuff in our yard and we just don’t care, because it happens.

She leaves her sliding door open constantly so they can come and go as they please and that’s super awesome for the dogs, but not for any of us other dog owners that let our dogs out to play or go to the bathroom. As soon as her dogs hear ours they immediately run out and over to the fence and start freaking out. They dig under the fence and we had to put logs against our side. It’s gotten to the point where we have to check and see if her slider is shut so we can go out and play with our dog, our neighbors behind us said they do the same thing.

I just really don’t know what to do.



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lotusblossom60 t1_jbq4pvx wrote

I called the police on my neighbor’s dog that he left out to bark all day long day after day. The first time is a warning. Fine each time after that. Never heard the dog again.


movdqa t1_jbpqdvq wrote

You could contact your town offices or city hall about the noise rules but I'm guessing that the noise rules are mostly for sleeping hours.


madeoflimbsandleaves OP t1_jbprtir wrote

96-9 Barking dogs.

A. No person owning or keeping or otherwise responsible for a dog shall allow or permit said dog to annoy another person's reasonable right to peace or privacy by making loud and continuous noise, where such noise is plainly audible at a distance of 150 feet from the building, premises, vehicle or conveyance housing said dog, and such noise is continuous in excess of 10 minutes. The fact that such noise is plainly audible at such distance and continuous in excess of 10 minutes shall be prima facie evidence of a violation, as long as the barking is not the result of willful instigation from a third party.

B. Any person who violates this provision shall receive a written warning, issued by the Animal Control Officer or police officer, for the first offense, and shall be liable for payment of the following fines: $50 for the second offense, $75 for the third offense, and $100 for the fourth offense and each subsequent offense. Said fine shall be paid to the Town Treasurer.

Guess I need to get on the phone, thank you for pointing that resource out, it blew right over my head.


1diligentmfer t1_jbq5jv9 wrote

Pretty close to the same in our city. My animal control told me to call anytime it was an issue, leave a message. That way, he could build a record of repeated offenses, while issuing warnings in between.


ManifestDestinysChld t1_jbr4kkq wrote

I had the same deal with neighbors who were not allowed to have roosters on such a small lot.

Take a video with your phone, call the Building Inspector (or whoever is responsible at the town) and get their email, and send them the video. They need evidence.


megsperspective t1_jbq4fts wrote

The good thing about getting in touch with Animal Control is that the complaints are usually anonymous. The just let them know that there was a complaint and that they are violating town bylaws. Prevents unpleasantness and retaliation if that's a concern.

We have TONS of dogs in our neighborhood (including my two) and they all bark occasionally. Only one guy ever lets his dogs bark for longer than a few minutes (sometimes up to an hour), it doesn't bother me so much as I can hardly hear them but my dogs will get agitated if they're going crazy outside so I have to bring them right back in. It can be frustrating for sure. They've been a bit better lately and I think one of my neighbors might have escalated the situation to the town.


Grimstache t1_jbqafhs wrote

Take bagpipe lessons. Play at 3 am.


Lumpymaximus t1_jbqfmka wrote

3 hours a week? It aint great but it doesnt seem that bad either. You could be in newton dealing with those pesky landscapers blowing leaves at 8am!! /s


madeoflimbsandleaves OP t1_jbqn0c1 wrote

I appreciate all of your inputs! The funny ones too, I needed a laugh. It looks like making a call to animal control is the best option.


nattarbox t1_jbpojtk wrote

there was a seinfeld episode about this


madeoflimbsandleaves OP t1_jbpq2mn wrote

Hahah there will be no dog napping in this real life episode.


1diligentmfer t1_jbq5p9b wrote

That's what Elaine said first.


Ok_Translator_7026 t1_jbqhf6t wrote

You could be living near us. We have one with a little annoying ass white dog that barks non stop. Drives me crazy if I’m doing anything with the windows open or outside.


KKay62 t1_jbqkx8m wrote

I think you live next to my old neighbor...and she is part of why we moved. I'm sorry, I know how awful it is and I'm not sure what to tell you as we never resolved it.


borninawindow t1_jbqv6zz wrote

get a dog whistle. inaudible to humans and it will shut the dog right up as soon as you blow it. it works with most dogs.


chancimus33 t1_jbqvr37 wrote

This lady gives responsible dog owners a bad name. When our cleaning lady comes over, we make sure the dog walker takes the dogs for a nice long walk. On days that we know that the cleaner is going to be more than 2 hours, we have our chef prepare lunch for the dog walker or at least offer one of our drivers to take her home. The nerve of some people. Call animal control if she keeps it up.


[deleted] t1_jbrala8 wrote

My neighbor has a cleaning lady full stop. Steal ur neighbors tv in the commotion.


AboyNamedBort t1_jbqfxcz wrote

Moral of the story: people, dogs and leaf blowers are all annoying.


coldflame38 t1_jbq0wci wrote

The petty answer for he door being open... Go buy mice or rats and just yeet them in there. Or maybe capture a squirrel and chuck him inside even if her dog gets them she'll close the door after finding the bodies.

Non petty option. Put a 6 ft wood security fence up so her dogs can't see if yours are outside. If you and the back neighbor do it then you just need neighbor number 3 to box her in


madeoflimbsandleaves OP t1_jbq2tdv wrote

Oh how I’ve just WISHED for a skunk to waddle on in. Glad there’s like minded people here 😂. If I had the balls to yeet I would. I do not. We all have fences and none of the dogs can see each other, sometimes I feel like if they could see each other they’d freak out less. We will never know.


Past-Adhesiveness150 t1_jbqvbpt wrote

My neighbors dog has barked for 5 years straight. Everyday he goes to work. It's a lab. Not a small bark. He leaves the windows open cause he lives on the 3rd floor.... so it echos all over the neighborhood.

When anyone let's thier dog out, there's a barking match.

5 years. I havent said shit or called animal control. Live n let live. If I really want peace n quiet, I'd move to the middle of nowhere.


muk546 t1_jbpy20t wrote

Play loud music back at her to keep her up
