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Nicksucksathiking t1_je87iwb wrote

Be less interesting in a good wat if dipshits like op would put their phone down and drive. Fucking idiot.


majoroutage t1_je8cgyj wrote

Gridlock, bruh.


OrsoMalleus t1_je9b7iw wrote

Lotta dark brake lights for gridlock.


scissorbritches OP t1_je9fjg8 wrote

We were rolling very, very slowly.

Edit: you're right though I shouldn't have been touching my phone


potentpotables t1_je9jnpj wrote

no, don't apologize. it's possible to take a picture when you're going 3mph.


Nicksucksathiking t1_jed77vd wrote

First of all no break lights so… 2nd..This is mass if people were going 3 mph it would be bumper 2 bumper but as you can see in the photo there is about 20 yards between cars ( yaknow traveling distance) So im not sure how your tiny brain works but evidence shows that this was taken at a normal rate of speed. That being said Massachusetts dip shits can’t drive regardless of the speed they are going. So might wanna chill with the social media while you are driving period dummie


potentpotables t1_jee1nyu wrote

> break


>tiny brain

at least this tiny brain knows how to spell.

Dude, I'm just going off what OP said. I drive this stretch every day and that spacing does not look like people are driving fast at all.


Nicksucksathiking t1_jefs9p0 wrote

Grasping at straws if you all you got is an autocorrect mistake. Try again when you can make an actual point because mine still stands.


potentpotables t1_jeg7iff wrote

My point is you're a ninny for worrying about a photo taken in stop and go traffic.