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Adultemoteacher t1_je7melw wrote

I was on that highway at that exact spot at 4:38 pm and I did not see this and I’m disappointed


lucascorso21 t1_je7r2jk wrote

How many cars merged back into traffic from the 95N exit lane while you got this pic ready?


MissIz t1_je7x6t3 wrote

Were you wearing a mask?


phaedrus71 t1_je854b7 wrote

Is this some guerilla marketing bullshit - like Late Night Swim only with random pics of some stupid car?

But kinda want Bimbo’s numbah, can’t lie. Bimbo in peebuddy!!


ebow77 t1_je859ij wrote

Is this why I still see people wearing a mask while driving around alone?


Nicksucksathiking t1_je87iwb wrote

Be less interesting in a good wat if dipshits like op would put their phone down and drive. Fucking idiot.


BTVBOSSFO t1_je89r4f wrote

And they say Mass has no edge (I’m they).


Nanotude t1_je8ap04 wrote

Lol it has been a while since I've seen it. Been around for a while. Keep your distance!


Eugene_V_Chomsky t1_je8n5sh wrote

I saw that very same car in Billerica a couple weeks ago, and I'm still pissed that it drove off before I could get a picture.


gsepd t1_je9bb8l wrote

There’s one running around by me that says “mud slut”


cdwalrusman t1_je9pyhx wrote

Pandemic boss fight. Also it’s wicked funny to see the difference between what people notice in the picture


HurdieBirdie t1_je9qh9e wrote

I was in stopped traffic on 128 earlier this week but behind a truck with a picture of a big adorable golden retriever staring at me, made it a lot better!


Nicksucksathiking t1_jed77vd wrote

First of all no break lights so… 2nd..This is mass if people were going 3 mph it would be bumper 2 bumper but as you can see in the photo there is about 20 yards between cars ( yaknow traveling distance) So im not sure how your tiny brain works but evidence shows that this was taken at a normal rate of speed. That being said Massachusetts dip shits can’t drive regardless of the speed they are going. So might wanna chill with the social media while you are driving period dummie