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bleepbloopbluupp t1_jburlxa wrote

Ah yes the people who misremember their childhoods


[deleted] t1_jbuuqj2 wrote

I know. I am way older than most of them so I always try to pop in and pretend I'm just being nice and sweet!

"Oh, I grew up in the 1970s and this definitely would have been a snow day! We'd just watch TV all day and eat cereal!"


OPRAH_IS_MY_BUDDHA t1_jbvm9pb wrote

Suburbanite loser trumpers on Facebook would of course be screeching about snow days lol


murph3699 t1_jbvzmyp wrote

In North Andover, in the early 90s, we ALWAYS had school. Even when the rest of the Merrimack Valley cancelled school we had to go in. We rarely had delayed openings too