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amphetaminesfailure t1_jbv5zwx wrote

Sometime in the last few years, forget when, we had a deep freeze the night after a snowfall.

So school was canceled for a second day. The "uphill both way" parents were hollering about how the streets are all plowed the sidewalks are all shoveled.

They were completely ignoring that the deep freeze turned the streets and sidewalks into a skating rink. It was cold enough overnight that even the treated roads were a sheet of ice.

I could barely walk down my front steps and get to my driveway, busted my ass, went back inside and called out of work.

Yet these dumbasses wanted busses on the streets and kids on the sidewalk walking to school? Not to mention we know there's always assholes who don't shovel their sidewalk. So you want kids having to either get soaking wet walking through 8 inches of snow, or walk out into the street while cars and busses are slipping and sliding on the road? No. Fuck that attitude.

What I don't get about the way these people think is.....don't we want BETTER for our kids? Don't we want their lives to be EASIER than our generation and previous ones?

What exactly are we trying to make our kids to "tough" for? I mean don't get me wrong I understand wanting to raise kids to be strong and independent....but why does that have to involve putting their lives at a UNNECESSARY risk?

The only answer I've ever gotten is "Well when they're an adult and have a job they....."

I'm an adult with a job. I called out. I'll use sick time if I still have it, or I'll take the points. My job is non-essential. I'm not risking my life for a corporation's profits. Teach kids that. Maybe when the next generation gets into management they'll be more understanding.