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AlligatorSquash t1_jc29j9y wrote

What makes you think you can’t fire someone without cause?

In Massachusetts, absent a union or a contract, employees are at-will and can be fired at any time for any reason or for no reason at all reason.

There is also plenty of room to argue if you do give a reason; not saying successfully argue, just saying room to argue and litigation is a PITA.


The_Stranger56 t1_jc2bgwz wrote

They can fire you for no reason that is true. But they shouldn’t have anything bad to say about you then should though.


AlligatorSquash t1_jc2c3sr wrote

Your first sentence directly contradicts what you said previously, and your second sentence isn’t a sentence.


The_Stranger56 t1_jc2etg1 wrote

I forgot MA was an at-will state. You pointed it out and I looked it up to check. I was agreeing with you. My second sentence was saying, if they fire you for no reason then they shouldn’t have anything on record to say about you that is bad.