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bv8ma t1_jclhye4 wrote

But, like they said, if you go over 8 total rooms you divide by 2 and round down to the lower whole number to get the bedroom count for Title 5 purposes, or you put a 4 bedroom deed restriction on the property. Now, if the town catches the room count is another story, some would and others wouldn't. I'd guess that your system is sized for 4 bedrooms, my experience with new construction is 4 is pretty standard, you only see 5 or more if you are in a wealthy area where the extra bedroom has a bigger return.


KKay62 t1_jcmk101 wrote

Yeah, at least in my area, a 4 bedroom seems to be more desirable than a 3, but a 5 bedroom doesn't get much more than a 4 and they even seem to linger on the market longer.