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wickaboaggroove t1_je1l82p wrote

Its open for imaging; and a few doctors offices, pediatrics office. But thats it; ER is closed. Source: am CT tech that worked there, found out I wasn’t anymore from a patient.


Hoosac_Love t1_je1ls2q wrote

Was it bought out by Palmer or Baystate in Springfield?


wickaboaggroove t1_je8c90r wrote

They bought it quite a while before they closed, they were the ones that hired me in the first place. Before covid, they invested millions in 3 new 3D mammo machines, a new oncology area, and brand new wound care clinic with brand new hyperbaric chambers. Everyone in my dept was also combined with Wing Hospital in Palmer, including myself. When the closed the ED at ML there weren’t enough consistent hours for me at Wing due to the consolidation.