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BossCrabMeat t1_iqpyubp wrote

There just is too much real estate between Springfield and the major hub (Boston). Anywhere south of 128 is closer to the hub and similar cost to Springfield.

Why would any company have manufacturing/warehousing in Springfield when they can do the same in Taunton for the same price?


nofog2234 OP t1_iqpzimq wrote

You do have a point. You can also get starter homes in providence or woonsocket for like 250k and that is an actual full blown metro. Attleboro, taunton, little more expensive but still.


BossCrabMeat t1_iqpzzn5 wrote

Not to mention, Providence has its own port and airport. Same for say New Bedford. Providence also is on the rail line and New Bedford is getting a rail line soon.


nofog2234 OP t1_iqq0c98 wrote

Yeah again this was just a speculative brainstorming session. I don't think the city is 100% a lost cause.


BossCrabMeat t1_iqq1yb2 wrote

I am not saying the city is a lost cause. It used to be a huge manufacturing hub when Boston was under threat of being overrun by the Red Coats or when Russian nukes were aimed at it.

The company I work for does lots of business with overseas partners. We pay over 25K a month for a postage stamp sized space near the airport. We could get a much larger space in Springfield for 2500 but then we would be paying over 30K in trucking fees.


nofog2234 OP t1_iqq36rw wrote

Do you think it could become an artists hub? Manchester England was a post industrial shithole look at how much good music came out of there.


nataphoto t1_iqq7itu wrote

>providence has its own airport

KBAF+KCEF: “Am I a joke to you?”


Beck316 t1_iqqkkhf wrote

Springfield is closer to Hartford, then past that, New York. There have already been changes in the train lines to make that commute easier. International airport in Hartford already, plus Westover in chicopee looking for Airline partners.


11BMasshole t1_iqr3k5d wrote

Because believe it or not, Springfield is more accessible to more places than Taunton. You are showing your Boston bias here. For distribution sake , Springfield is a much more strategic location than Taunton.