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JaKr8 t1_ir45akf wrote

I don't think people appreciate the quality of life we have up here in the northeast, even if it is a little bit colder than other parts of the country, and a little more expensive. And it does appear the northeast was very heavily represented in the list...


kasque t1_ir4k1fc wrote

All the weird stuff on the internet doesn’t happen here in small town New England. I suppose that makes us dull to the rest of America. I’m fine with that.


itsgreater9000 t1_ir57ybl wrote

the best compliment i've heard about the northeast was from Andrew Callaghan (of All Gas No Brakes/Channel 5 fame), who described the northeast as just way too boring to generate a ton of interesting content from. very glad we are not like FL/TX in that way, haha.


gweal t1_ir5do4m wrote

I also took that as a compliment lol


lazydictionary t1_ir5fcd9 wrote

Don't know what you are talking about. Guy in my town rocked a Qanon sign on his front lawn for at least a year.


ipsissimus666 t1_ir50y9k wrote

Even just drinking water.

All over the country, water out of the tap tastes horrible.

Or their ground water is in peril.


internetTroll151 t1_ir5bo2g wrote

The author is from CT - so perhaps a strong bias on the criteria selected to make the list.


JaKr8 t1_ir7vchg wrote

There are some interesting inclusions and exclusions on the list.


headrush46n2 t1_ir5gdjr wrote

its not a little bit more expensive dude. I moved out to the midwest and bought a 3 bedroom house. My monthly mortgage is less than my Cambridge parking spot.


JaKr8 t1_ir8l6cy wrote

Yeah, but I'd rather be in Cambridge than pretty much almost anywhere in the Midwest, except for Chicago or MSP (One of our houses is there anyway, it's a great city, We spend a couple months a year there). I've been out that way enough to know...


ak47workaccnt t1_ir78u3m wrote

Why don't you think people appreciate it? There's a post like this saying how awesome Massachusetts is every other day.


JaKr8 t1_ir8lb9n wrote

No, I just think we take it for granted. I have a relative who's lived in San Diego during their entire lifetime, they've never been to the beach. Sometimes you don't always appreciate what you have in your own backyard...