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NeetStreet_2 t1_ir4yje9 wrote

Nothing in the Berkshires?


Dr_Bunson_Honeydew t1_ir542u0 wrote

I think the qualifier for the report is “cities” where population is greater than 25k. I’m sure some of the great other towns many people are thinking of in MA might not meet that hurdle, especially out in Western MA.


here-come-the-bombs t1_ir5d06c wrote

I think they may have limited it to municipalities that are officially cities, too, because my town meets the population criteria, but it's a "town".


Ok-Lengthiness446 t1_ir6bnyx wrote

Shhhhhh and let’s keep it that way please. Gentrification is coming to Pittsfield and I’m terrified. Continue to let people believe there’s no reason to live here.