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Emergency_Address_51 OP t1_iu6qgbs wrote

No, western mass is in such a good position. boston SHOVELS us money.. like no other poor area of any other state in the us. we have it made. To be forgotten in massachusetts is very lucrative indeed


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu6qk9v wrote

Boston has also engaged in policy that crippled western mass for centuries. Springfield and Pittsfield really could have been something.


Emergency_Address_51 OP t1_iu74c8g wrote

80% of Holyoke's $100 million dollar school budget comes from chapter 70 funding. Even if the school's failing, $100 million dollars is A LOT of great paying jobs, that in turn create more jobs. Massachusetts Schools are so fantastically financed that even "failing" school systems still make their communties better off.


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu74vap wrote

Boston sucking the life out of WMA to fuel its own economic boom is always bad


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu75es2 wrote

And the distribution is awful because all the benefits go to Boston


oceansofmyancestors t1_iu7c6yj wrote

Springfield WAS something, look at the history of the city. It was a very important city, it’s location made it so. City of invention and it just got crushed.


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu7c9l5 wrote

Exactly. City was sacrificed and reciecwd exactly 0nhelp until it was too late.


aaronmackenzie3 t1_iu7b04x wrote

You’re not wrong. I have a municipal job that pays the same as a job in an Eastern town but my cost of living is waaaay less. Sounds like winning to me