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Lightbright12 t1_itxnp2p wrote

You have to look at your pay stubs to see if you get PFML taken out of your paycheck. If so, then you are entitled to 12 weeks of bonding leave with some pay from the state.


Chippopotanuse t1_itzd0sa wrote

You are “entitled” to 12 weeks.

However, I think MA is still an “at will” employment state…and I personally know a lot of new dads who got laid off shortly after they came back from leave.

“Oh but that’s illegal! Employers can’t do that!”

Except they do.

They will offer a severance package that comes with a non-disparagement/confidentially/waiver clause….and so these dads are forced to choose between 3-6 months pay and keeping their resume intact, or trying to sue a huge employer, spending tens of thousands on a lawsuit that has low odds of success because the employer will smear the hell out of them with “he was a poor performer” claims. Then - win or lose - the dad gets to enjoy having a “litigious reputation” follow him around when he looks for new jobs. (Similar to being a whistleblower. Prepare for career suicide).

TLDR: check the pulse of your employer before taking 12-weeks of leave. Some are very accommodating. Some less so. It sucks that all employers aren’t required to truly respect family leave.


SmartSherbet t1_itzz1gk wrote

Take these stories to the press. Employers who do this deserve to be outed.


SleepingJonolith t1_ityn865 wrote

Note too that there are exceptions for certain public workers. For example, teachers, police, fire, and other municipal workers don’t get it. So if you work for an exempt employer you won’t have had the money taken out of your paychecks, but you won’t be eligible for the paid leave. You can still take unpaid leave though.