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Beck316 t1_isynttb wrote

They're not even in the same county. They're 45 minutes apart. Longmeadow is like Newton and Hadley is like...?Topsfield. I'm local and this story is confusing. I'm wondering if she's a family member or friend of the person being evicted. I also wonder if she stole the hives since she agitated the bed and tipped the hives over. Doesn't seem like something a conscientious beekeeper would do...


EtonRd t1_iszwavb wrote

I think one article I read said that they owned the house together at one point. It’s a pretty strange situation. Lots of litigation about a foreclosure and this bizarre story about The guy trying to insulate his house with some type of insulating paint that was a complete scam and then he sued the HVAC guy because his house was too cold and too warm…. I think there must just be reams of legal documents around this house.