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realFancyStrawberry t1_it37v8v wrote

They have been a teacher for boston public schools for 4 years and a teacher at haverhill for about 2-3 years. She has stated to me that she is being payed 10k less than she should be but she is also in the process of completing her masters.


Educational-List8475 t1_it3bywp wrote

So about 6-7 years total teaching. Yeah that’s pretty decent experience, maybe not quite mid career yet though. I don’t know much about how teachers earn raises. Are they on a step system like other government/municipal employees? I wonder if she’ll get bumped up after getting her masters. Could be she’s being paid less because she doesn’t have that yet? I think a masters is required in MA after so many years of teaching.


realFancyStrawberry t1_it3qi34 wrote

Masters is required in Massachusetts. Once she gets the degree she is supposed to have a 20-30k pay increase. Managing the degree while also working with larger class sizes and and now sharing another room with another teacher has been putting a lot of stress on her. The school committee contract initially offered a raise in salary for 3% to cover inflation and then reduced the raise to 1.5%. The state of the economy is hitting the teachers hard.


Educational-List8475 t1_it3qpkr wrote

Would that 20-30k put her in line with what the other teachers are making? And yeah even 3% isn’t like to help with how crazy things have been.