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somegridplayer t1_iuizoqf wrote

>Is that true even if you have a general license to carry?

Yes because you're considered in the act of hunting.


PakkyT t1_iuj1h88 wrote

Yes I understand that but I find it illogical (because I am Spock) that I can walk around cities streets with a concealed weapon (legally with a license to carry), but if I am out in the woods mostly alone and carrying a rifle or shotgun, a concealed handgun is now considered too much?

By the way, I am by no means one of those pro-gun people, I am actually all for reasonable gun control, but I do find many laws for many things to be contradictory or to have been implemented in ways that simply do not make sense. This certainly sounds like one of them.


somegridplayer t1_iuj5hpl wrote

>but if I am out in the woods mostly alone and carrying a rifle or shotgun, a concealed handgun is now considered too much?

archery season its forbidden, shotgun or primitive season its very fuzzy and I don't know a single person who's been hassled about it on private or public lands. A friend is a prominent yote hunter in the area and ALWAYS carries.