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[deleted] t1_iuctu9o wrote



heklakatla t1_iucy962 wrote

We're an expensive place to live and we have to fund police, fire, education, elder services, DPW, etc. It's not as if you're not getting anything for the taxes. Would you rather have something come up and we're not able to afford it? We've had Chapter 62F on the books since the mid-1980s and this is only the second time (first time since 35-years (1987)) that they will refund money to its residents. They're not keeping it. There is a law there to protect you in that regard.

Do we pay more than the average state? Yes (source: but it's not nearly as much as folks make it out to be and we're well within the StdDev (average on that page is ~10.6% with a StdDev of 2% and getting a much better set of services than a lot of the states lower on the list. You might be fortunate and not in a position where you're currently leveraging all of those but at some point you may need it.

Life is too short and it's not worth stressing over things like this. I've known too many people that left life early due to stress induced issues. I'm sure MA would love to keep you and your family but if it is going to cause undue stress or burden in your life and you don't need the volume or range of services then move (NH is close and would save you 0.9%...the balance of the NorthEast has a higher tax burden then MA & NH until you get to PA).


dogmom603 t1_iufj2bw wrote

Don’t forget about the MA estate tax. Highest in the country. People are already leaving the state to avoid this - those most impacted by this already have residences in other states that have lower or no estate tax. Q1 is just one more reason to leave, but it is already happening.