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Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_itc3t1w wrote

I have worked in toxic environments before so I fully understand your dilemma. I do not have children, so your circumstances are more stressful.

Leaving a job like this was the right thing to do. No job is right when it sacrifices your health and mental health. Your children do not need to be acclimated to this either. However saying this does not give you the stability you and your children need.

I would contact your state EEOC, and tell them what happened. I would also file for unemployment, but be prepared for these people to give as you say a different story. I would look for another job possibly in the same field. However, I do not know if this toxic environment is common in that field. You could also try for a totally different job. Luckily, there are jobs available and people are hiring.

If you are in need of immediate assistance for food, shelter, etc, you can contact the local assistance office (welfare) to at least try and get by until you can find a job.

It is easy to fall into a pattern of abuse when your life depends on those people for necessities. If you can rely on family/friends while you looking for a job, hopefully it will not take long to get back on track.


Majestic_Corner_1131 OP t1_itc4772 wrote

They already started denying what they did, but, they did threaten me if I pulled my kids out, then they would be put on private pay and my daycare voucher wouldn’t wor, which is a lie, I talked to the daycare voucher ppl who were blown away by the email I read them, which is just proof at lest they were threatening me lies. I filed a complaint with EEC I didn’t know that EEOC was a thing but I will look into it. It just feels bad, thank you, I’m just feeling like A failure I quit but I felt it was either stand up for myself and quit, or comply and be bullied/threatened lies to keep me in place for them… I barely got paid above minimum wage and I couldn’t pay my bills with this full time job I was eligible for food stamps with. So I’m starting to think maybe it was a good thi g and there is something bettter for me, it just feels bad.


paganlobster t1_itdutja wrote

Been there. It's always better to move forward though. Once you detox a while you'll realize how bad it was and stay away. I speak from toxic work and relationship experience.


GeorgeGiffIV t1_itc5uyb wrote

Sounds like they were trash. Sue them, find a place that appreciates you, and good luck. Life is too short for that bullshit.


Majestic_Corner_1131 OP t1_itc62iv wrote

Thank you, I jus feel shitty about the whole thing, and like a failure that I’m no longer employed.


GeorgeGiffIV t1_itc67vy wrote

Please don't feel that way. You stood up for what is good for your soul.