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Away-Reading t1_iu7i0k7 wrote

It’s a hold-over law from back when pumping your own gas was a new phenomenon. Gas station owners lobbied for it because they were worried self-serve would cut jobs and profits. There were likely safety concerns as well.


PM_me_PMs_plox t1_iu7v68z wrote

Well it probably did cut jobs.


Puzzleheaded_Ad_7204 t1_iu97c8h wrote

Yeah. I’m originally from NJ where it’s illegal state-wide. While it’s quicker not having to wait for the one person on staff to come to your car, take the card/cash, go to another, start your pump, go to another, pump stops and wait for them to return…. But, yeah. It’s a great job creation law.


chunderchowda t1_iu9kbii wrote

Those aren’t jobs, they’re capitalistic slave fodder exploits

What’s with the brainwashed masses treating this stuff like “jobs” lol what insanity

That lowbar boomerlife outlook needs to die in the nursing home with em


Away-Reading t1_iubym3g wrote

Oh, for sure! At least, it must have initially. Nowadays, most self-serve gas stations have fairly busy convenience stores, and many even have food to order. That definitely increases the gas station jobs available.


Curly_kayla OP t1_iu7ianh wrote

Thank you for clarifying. I’m not complaining at all. I hate pumping gas.