Submitted by Curly_kayla t3_yg8j2w in massachusetts

I’m moving to Weymouth, MA soon. I recently read that it’s illegal to pump your own gas? I mean, I’m not complaining. I hate pumping gas. Is this a myth? If it’s true, is it heavy enforced ?



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Away-Reading t1_iu7gpvd wrote

Yeah, but it’s only in Weymouth. Basically, all of the regular gas stations in town are full-serve. You can always go pump your own gas in a neighboring town though.


Curly_kayla OP t1_iu7hdkz wrote



Away-Reading t1_iu7i0k7 wrote

It’s a hold-over law from back when pumping your own gas was a new phenomenon. Gas station owners lobbied for it because they were worried self-serve would cut jobs and profits. There were likely safety concerns as well.


PM_me_PMs_plox t1_iu7v68z wrote

Well it probably did cut jobs.


Puzzleheaded_Ad_7204 t1_iu97c8h wrote

Yeah. I’m originally from NJ where it’s illegal state-wide. While it’s quicker not having to wait for the one person on staff to come to your car, take the card/cash, go to another, start your pump, go to another, pump stops and wait for them to return…. But, yeah. It’s a great job creation law.


chunderchowda t1_iu9kbii wrote

Those aren’t jobs, they’re capitalistic slave fodder exploits

What’s with the brainwashed masses treating this stuff like “jobs” lol what insanity

That lowbar boomerlife outlook needs to die in the nursing home with em


Away-Reading t1_iubym3g wrote

Oh, for sure! At least, it must have initially. Nowadays, most self-serve gas stations have fairly busy convenience stores, and many even have food to order. That definitely increases the gas station jobs available.


Curly_kayla OP t1_iu7ianh wrote

Thank you for clarifying. I’m not complaining at all. I hate pumping gas.


charons-voyage t1_iu8gfd1 wrote

Ditto for Arlington, I think. I remember filling up in Arlington once and the attendant shooed me back in my car lol.

Side note, since I don’t encounter this often…Do you tip gas attendants???


Curly_kayla OP t1_iu9c1n3 wrote

I probably won’t be tipping because I pay for gas on credit.


LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iub6ulb wrote

The same is true in Milford. I didn't know how to pump gas until I was in college. My husband is from New Jersey and was in his 30s when he learned.


goPACK17 t1_iu7gdt3 wrote

Um, where did you read this? The majority of stations in MA are self serve, most of the full serve stations tend to be in/immediately around Boston from my own experience.

It is not illegal to pump your own gas.

Edit: Looked it up and evidently this is something that was passed specifically for Weymouth? Interesting lol


Curly_kayla OP t1_iu7gyti wrote

Yeah, I’m glad you looked it up and found the same thing. Now my question to you is have you pumped your own gas in Weymouth ?


InternationalClub732 t1_iubvh6u wrote

I grew up in Weymouth. Town ordinance says all gas stations are full service. It’s more annoying than you think. Where most self serve stations are 24hrs, only 3 or 4 of the stations in weymouth are 24hr. They are always at least a dime more than self serve so I don’t tip if I do go to them.


goPACK17 t1_iu7h44s wrote

I've been in and out of Weymouth dozens of times over the years and am almost certain I gassed up at a Cumbie's there once, but that was at least a decade ago and I couldn't honestly tell you if it was self serve or not 😅


dogriverhotel t1_iu8lvdg wrote

I think I know this cumbies! My shitty suburaru outback had this weird thing with the gas that made it so you had to pump gas in tiny increments so I would just tell the attendant I had to do it and he was fine letting me.


Curly_kayla OP t1_iu7hmaw wrote

Good to know. Here’s what I’m thinking. It’s illegal. However if you pull up to a gas station, jump out if your car and start pumping. I doubt the gas attendant will run outside to stop you.


goPACK17 t1_iu7i5i1 wrote

You're not going to get arrested or fined for trying to self serve. I've been to some full serve places where I didn't know they were full serve and just got out and started pumping. Most of them just let you do you, but once or twice I have had the attendant run over and insist he does it.


Curly_kayla OP t1_iu7ig7m wrote

I see. This is epic! I hate pumping gas.


phaedrus71 t1_iu7izsd wrote

There are some towns where there are only full service. Milford has a lot of that. There must be a history to that. Oregon was once a state where only pumped gas was available. When gas jockeys were a person to be admired… :)


Curly_kayla OP t1_iu7k21n wrote

I’ve never heard of this law until I made this post. Never been to Milford. Did not know that about Oregon. Thank you…long live gas jockeys 🫡


Alfond378 t1_iu7na8k wrote

It's all full service in New Jersey by law as well!


Curly_kayla OP t1_iu7o01k wrote

Good to know.


kdigan211 t1_iu8k60u wrote

In NJ the gas attendants have a special card they put in first that allows them to access the pump so you can’t self serve even if you want to. Not sure if it’s like that in Weymouth


amish_hacker473 t1_iu7k3y5 wrote

The procedure is as follows:

Pull up, tell the highschool kid how much gas you want and which type.

Hand him card/cash

Gas gets pumped.

You get card back. Sometimes you can tip the kid, it's not usually a requirement like at a restaurant.


Ken-Popcorn t1_iu7o3cv wrote

In my entire, very long life, not only have I never tipped a gas station attendant, I have never even seen it done


Curly_kayla OP t1_iu9ccrq wrote

You really shouldn’t have to. Gas station attendants make at least minimum wage. Unlike restaurant servers who make around ~$5/hour therefore tipping is expected.


M_Shulman t1_iu7j5t6 wrote

Yeh Weymouth is all full-serve. Nowhere else around it is.


Graflex01867 t1_iu7ggw1 wrote

We might not be able to drive for shit, but we can pump our own gas. Stop confusing us with New Jersey.


Curly_kayla OP t1_iu7h8nd wrote


Graflex01867 t1_iu7quzh wrote

Another reason the rest of Greater Boston sometimes gives the South Shore that awkward side-eye glance.

I don’t mind full-serve, until there’s 1 attendant and 5 people trying to get gas.


BlessedLightning t1_iu8vfls wrote

I just don't want to talk to anyone.


Curly_kayla OP t1_iu92uqw wrote

I can’t image the conversation will be long. $50 of regular gas please (hand them your card). He or she pumps your gas and hands you the card back.


InternationalClub732 t1_iubwvbp wrote

Rooney’s Rt18 every damn day. Cheapest gas in Weymouth so cars are lined up into the street. Thankfully 18 is four lanes now but still pain in the ass.


Darklighter10 t1_iu7yujk wrote

Arlington too. There was a town ballot question to revert it not long ago and amazingly, it failed.


Darklighter10 t1_iu7z3y7 wrote

This is why I don’t get gas in Weymouth, truly. I usually go to Quincy if I need a fill up.

Though the no-names know this and price gouge you at the city borders. Im looking specifically at you “US Petroleum” on the Quincy side of the Fore River bridge. You aren’t Mobil or Shell, stop charging 40 cents more per gallon than everywhere else.


Curly_kayla OP t1_iu9cj1b wrote

I don’t blame you. I’m on the Weymouth/ Hingham border. I’ll most like be getting gas in hingham.


verucaNaCI t1_iu9x0nv wrote

The little gas station at the corner of Derby St and 53 is our go to. It can be a pain to pull in and out, but it's always cheaper than anywhere else around here


Maronita2020 t1_iu7hs7z wrote

The ban on pumping your own gas in Weymouth has been in existence since 1977.


Curly_kayla OP t1_iu7i6en wrote

I’m not complaining at all. I hate pumping my own gas.


Darklighter10 t1_iu7zqom wrote

This comment makes me very curious. Why do you hate pumping your own gas?

I love being in and out, 5 dollars or 50. I don’t have to wait for the attendant, after the gas has long since finished being pumped and I am still sitting there. Gas up and go. Or “Kum and Go” as my favorite national gas chain is called.


Overall-Sorbet-6112 t1_iu7ipl8 wrote

We moved from East Weymouth recently and idk if it’s illegal but is heavily enforced for some gas stations. I went to one frequently but the Shaw’s, Walmart, Stop and Shop area and the guy pumping said they’re one of the only towns that still do it.


Curly_kayla OP t1_iu7jlgj wrote

I’ve learned it’s in fact illegal. Has been since 1977. Good to know some gas stations heavily enforce it while others are chill about it. I hate pumping gas so I’m not complaining.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iu7ixo5 wrote

Somehow, this is Joey Kramer’s Fucking fault


Curly_kayla OP t1_iu7jokq wrote

Who’s Joey Kramer? Give me the tea ☕️ 🐸


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iu7z6sy wrote

He’s the drummer from Aerosmith. He tried to pump his own gas into his fancy sports car while it was running and it caught on fire


Curly_kayla OP t1_iu935g9 wrote

Omg! He’s the reason !!


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iu9b6c0 wrote

This happened in the late 90s and I remember it for 2 reasons. First, it's the drummer from Aerosmith. Secondly, because it's literally the only local accident I've heard of where someone pumping their own gas was a problem.


0bsidian0rder2372 t1_iu7m8go wrote

Ohhhh wait until you experience full service in the winter! It's a delight! Lol


someguymw t1_iu8k6k9 wrote

It's illegal to pump your own gas in Oregon and New Jersey. I traveled to Oregon and just started pumping my own and the worker there looked at me like I had 2 heads, so now I know. Independent stations typically are not self serve, but the big chains typically are (Exxon, Shell, etc.) I've been going to the independents since you can save a lot by paying cash, and these days it's actually nice to talk to people instead of listening to robot checkout voices.


Own_Lychee_2243 t1_iu8tef1 wrote

Cumbies in S Wey across from the Marylous and Dunks has a lack of employees and fucks and I've pumped my own gas plenty of times there. Also the Shell in the Landing by the library leaves their pumps on after hours and you can pump you're own there after 11pm.


MikeD123999 t1_iua5fw7 wrote

I forget where i was… maybe milford…. But i got out and started pumping gas when the attedent came over and told me had to do it. People must get confused which towns do this cuz he didnt seem mad