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Flower_Murderer t1_it2mq7u wrote

Not that folx are fond of them, but DCF can actually assist with things like this. Especially if your child is being bussed seperate. The bus companies and districts always deny at first, but DCF will work with you to help. One of the few things that will get a rapid response is sexual abuse of a minor. Just note this will put your home life and possibly the father's (if seperate households) under a microscope, which isn't always comfortable. It may also take a while, but they do add pressure as a state agency.


Emmie89509 OP t1_it2ntx8 wrote

I did get DCF involved when we went to ER they filed on the bus aide, they were also upset with the outcome


Sufficient-Opposite3 t1_it6xd6q wrote

Why did you go to the ER? Was your son injured? Not being disrespectful..


EDIT: Sorry. I see the comments further down. Ignore me


Emmie89509 OP t1_it6xgtg wrote

That’s the appropriate steps needed to be taken when a child reports any kind of sexual assault, if not it would be deemed neglect