Submitted by Emmie89509 t3_y8xs2b in massachusetts

Due to lack of drivers & bus aides it seems as though they hire and keep anyone most drivers do not speak good English & monitors are ghetto. I received a call from one of my sons bus aids (there’s two due to it servicing special needs children) regarding the other male bus aides behavior after I witnessed him tickle my child while the female bus aide was putting on his back pack, my son was obviously uncomfortable as well as the woman & I told him not to touch my child. The woman bus aide was one to one with my son and informed me the man was requesting to sit with My son recently like stealing her seat. My son then told his dad the bus aid touched his private parts. All of this is within 24 hours. I reported the incident to transportation and they only keep seven days worth of footage. They kept the day he was tickling him and deleted the previous days so all I had was a statement from my child and inappropriate tickling. The DA could not press charges & transportation re-trained him and switched routes. I did everything I needed to and I still feel like they failed the children not just mine because they let him know he can get away with it. A predator doesn’t change just sharpens his skills. I hate the formalities. When anyone woman man or child makes an accusation of sexual assault it’s guilty until proven innocent in my eyes. Disgusted, please question your children frequently



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Unique-Public-8594 t1_it2exaq wrote

At the very least, time to propose a new law requiring bus companies to retain more than 7 days worth of video. We have high capacity/inexpensive video storage options.

(As well as address this specific employee.)


Emmie89509 OP t1_it2fb8w wrote

Great idea. The bank keeps more/better footage and these are our children. I forgot to mention there is no audio


Unique-Public-8594 t1_it2hepg wrote

Is there a law on what school buses must keep, I wonder? If there is and the bus company violated the law, sue them.


Emmie89509 OP t1_it2iymz wrote

Google is not treating me well not seeing any information but I’m going to continue to research & ask my lawyer to look into it


Graywulff t1_it3fdfi wrote

Def sue don’t let them get away with it.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_it2d7zz wrote

One sentence stands out to me here: “my son told his dad the bus aide touched his private parts.”

If you believe this to be true go to the police.


Emmie89509 OP t1_it2dcvp wrote

I did , DA stands for district attorney. Also took him to emergency room. He was grabbing his dads wewe while playing and the other children and his dad asked him why he kept doing that & he told him


Unique-Public-8594 t1_it2dwdn wrote

My apologies for missing that very important part. I’m so very sorry. Did the DA explain why no charges are being filed? You don’t have to respond if you’d rather not.


Emmie89509 OP t1_it2e75q wrote

There’s not enough evidence. If she did proceed with the case it would flop & just cause further trauma due to intense questioning. Also there’s three adults on the bus, transportation felt like the accusation was far fetched I could tell by their tones


Unique-Public-8594 t1_it2frr1 wrote

If you got no recourse through police nor bus company, how about school board? Approach it as a liability issue for them?


Emmie89509 OP t1_it2g8gh wrote

I will be contacting them now, Thank you for the advice ! I haven’t been able to produce a clear thought & sulked but the fight is not over and I can’t stand the thought of him doing it to another child . He’s extremely aggresive towards the adults as well I can only imagine what’s done in private


Unique-Public-8594 t1_it2l37w wrote

Maybe your lawyer can write a letter to the bus company spelling out the liability issues involved in this employee being retained in a role that involves contact with children.


Flower_Murderer t1_it2mq7u wrote

Not that folx are fond of them, but DCF can actually assist with things like this. Especially if your child is being bussed seperate. The bus companies and districts always deny at first, but DCF will work with you to help. One of the few things that will get a rapid response is sexual abuse of a minor. Just note this will put your home life and possibly the father's (if seperate households) under a microscope, which isn't always comfortable. It may also take a while, but they do add pressure as a state agency.


Emmie89509 OP t1_it2ntx8 wrote

I did get DCF involved when we went to ER they filed on the bus aide, they were also upset with the outcome


Sufficient-Opposite3 t1_it6xd6q wrote

Why did you go to the ER? Was your son injured? Not being disrespectful..


EDIT: Sorry. I see the comments further down. Ignore me


Emmie89509 OP t1_it6xgtg wrote

That’s the appropriate steps needed to be taken when a child reports any kind of sexual assault, if not it would be deemed neglect


OriginalMenace t1_it2k59o wrote

I'd catch that guy at the end of the day and... have pleasant words.


gullahgullahdnalsi t1_it2d5tz wrote

What a piece of shit. I wish we could exclude these people from society or bring back old fashioned retributive justice. I’m sorry for your family, enroll the kid in therapy even if he may not need it.


qwertyVqwerty t1_it50v3z wrote

Post this to the r/Boston sub for more relevant eyes


pesto05 t1_it2dk0o wrote

remember due process? settle down ya lynch mob. if these accusations are true, it needs to be dealt with. reddit is not a court of law, and hearsay is not evidence. your kid IS NOT special. while this may be traumatic, true or not, messing with someone's career and life requires more than he said she said smoke.


Emmie89509 OP t1_it2dogf wrote

Trust I know , it’s just so many bad people fall through the cracks. It’s sickening


Unique-Public-8594 t1_it2emrt wrote

Problem is, seems like it isn’t being dealt with at all though, no?


Emmie89509 OP t1_it2f5js wrote

Exactly we are the home of the mentally ill & reoffenders. No rehabilitation just camp for criminals and back on the street. Most cases are not moved forward due to lack of evidence which is a good and bad thing.


pesto05 t1_it2fjjx wrote

it's an imperfect filter at best. porous and broken at worst


Emmie89509 OP t1_it2fs9m wrote

Agreed, the fault is on transportation and their failed investigation which deterred the DA from moving forward . That footage should have been kept and they informed me their 7 day policy and I told them I need to review it all.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_it2lbqy wrote

If your lawyer and the police write letters requesting all footage that should help them rethink their handling of this.

Maybe ask the DA and the police to review the tapes? Should they take a dismissive stance without having done that?


Emmie89509 OP t1_it2o6xz wrote

They deleted the footage so it’s not available even at request. Only the day of the tickling incident was reviewed by DA. I will confirm if I have a case & speak to school board regarding a change in their surveillance policy


Unique-Public-8594 t1_it2rvkq wrote

Did they delete it or did they just tell you it’s deleted or did they delete it after your request I wonder.


Emmie89509 OP t1_it2sd6q wrote

When I informed them of my concern and my sons allegations they told me their 7 day policy & I immediately said I want to review all the 7days. Instead they only kept the day I made the report


pesto05 t1_it2f2sp wrote

I'd say it was, and fairly given the evidence. that may change, im by no means defending the alleged behavior but let's take a deep breath. it's not my kid, I get it, but we are a civilization of law, no?


charons-voyage t1_it2fp3a wrote

Sorry, but if I see some dude tickling my kid, then my kid says that he was sexually assaulted, that bus monitor is getting dealt with.


Emmie89509 OP t1_it2gf0j wrote

Exactly. That is enough evidence for me .


charons-voyage t1_it2h80l wrote

Yeah. I wouldn’t do anything that would land me in jail, but I would 100% approach him with a few buddies in the parking lot and make it known that it would be in his best interest to stay TF away from my kid


BethNotElizabeth t1_it2ofvl wrote

Word of mouth (especially something like this) spreads very quickly among moms. Maybe power in numbers? So sorry you’re dealing with this. Sickening. I wish you and your family the best


Emmie89509 OP t1_it2sp2z wrote

Absolutely that’s the plan! Thank you I appreciate it love & same to you