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katieleehaw t1_irxe5mr wrote

A lot of people do get paid during their breaks, it depends on a few factors. I think it's reasonable to expect to be paid for that time since you're basically captive.


RevengencerAlf t1_irxrgi9 wrote

As a matter of law, if you are forbidden to leave, you are supposed to get paid. If it's impractical but technically allowed for you to leave, it can be a grey area but it only usually falls on the employer if they are the ones putting up a roadblock that stop syou (for example requiring you to change out of uniform)

I don't really have a problem with that honestly. If I'm frree to walk out the door and not suffer any negative employment consequences I don't see why I'd get paid for that time.


impact4 t1_irxm417 wrote

I leave my work to go get lunch when i feel like taking a full hour. Otherwise I take a short lunch and leave early.


TywinShitsGold t1_irxgj9f wrote

Are you “basically” captive? Because in order for lunch to be unpaid you have to be relieved of all duties and free to leave.

Solution is find a place that allows you to eat at your desk and skip lunch.


stuartroelke OP t1_irxhu9f wrote

As I mentioned before, they are removing freedoms someone would otherwise have. It’s not free time, it’s “stay healthy at work” time, and should be compensated because it’s entirely related to being able to work more effectively.

Also, finding a different place of employment is a temporary solution for one person. I’m not asking about that. I want to know how to advocate for change that helps everyone, especially those that don’t have the option to quit and work somewhere else on a whim.