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Murky_Ad_5786 t1_irxeud7 wrote

There's a really simple solution to this. If you don't like not being paid to take a lunch, go to a company that does pay you to sit and eat lunch.


[deleted] t1_irxh0to wrote



Murky_Ad_5786 t1_irxthzu wrote

It is that easy


burneraccount_1995 t1_irxtt7n wrote

You gotta tell me man, where did you find your job tree?


Murky_Ad_5786 t1_irxvhug wrote

I turned my side hustle into my full time. It's not easy but it's an option everyone can do.


burneraccount_1995 t1_irxvyd0 wrote

Yea! You’re right, it’s doable and everyone* can do it!

*unless you’re someone who has a disability, a family to take care of, a family to care of AND a family member(s) with their own disabilities, an intense job you need to keep to pay bills, or a criminal record


burneraccount_1995 t1_irxw38z wrote

You know what! You’ve inspired me, I’m going to turn my side hustle of trolling people on Reddit into trolling business by advocating for unions!


Murky_Ad_5786 t1_irxx6ns wrote

Victim mentality

Lol like everyone who's ever started their own business or made something of themselves didn't have kids or responsibilities


burneraccount_1995 t1_irxxduy wrote

Lol insane hustler mentality the inability to realize that life is complicated and people may other problems and complications in their life


paganlobster t1_irzglkm wrote

Sure bud, I bet you got up every day at 4am with the hustler grindset and now you’re a billionaire


Murky_Ad_5786 t1_is1cn69 wrote

Hate me because you ain't me


paganlobster t1_is2eknp wrote

yes it makes me so sad that I don't spend the majority of my time grifting others lol


stuartroelke OP t1_irxz6tf wrote

I did that, and then the pandemic happened. Some people have to make sacrifices, and you clearly don’t understand how fortunate you are if that is your current work situation. Your experience doesn’t reflect other people’s experiences. It also doesn’t justify injustices.


stuartroelke OP t1_irxgrue wrote

Not everyone has the privilege to choose their working conditions. That’s why citizens advocate for laws and government intervention when necessary.


Murky_Ad_5786 t1_irxte06 wrote

Everyone has that privilege in the USA. Your life is your own responsibility. It's not the governments job to make employers pay people for no reason


stuartroelke OP t1_irxzl7k wrote

This comment is unhelpful, and “everyone has that privilege” is an incredibly privileged thing to say. Oh, and what I just said is not a compliment.