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stuartroelke OP t1_iry2sz1 wrote

I’m not being “petulant,” I’m asking for advice and receiving surprisingly opinionated responses that aren’t actually helpful or related to the original question. And, I’m not interested in working with anyone that isn’t helpful in this context. That’s a choice I’m making. Feel free to disagree with it.


RevengencerAlf t1_iry399w wrote

My dude you advocated for a political change on the internet. People are gonna tell you that they think it's a bad idea. Grow the fuck up and get over it, because you're sure as hell going to have to deal with it if you want to actually push for such a change.

Pissing at people and telling them they "don't have anything to add" because they didn't give you the answer you wanted to hear is fairly charitably described as being petulant.

But... since I'm feeling nice and you seem like you need all the help you can get to get your shit together here, of the 3 politicians you mentioned, 2 of them are federal offices and one of them is a mayor. None of them are going to do dick about MA labor laws. Focus on state and even local level officials. If you have trouble figuring out who to go to there start with your representative, not the senators. They'll more likely know your local contacts in your specific part of the state and those people and their staff are more likely to help you network and find like minded people in other election districts who feel the same. They'll have a better idea of what districts will be receptive to making it a campaign issue and who will listen.


stuartroelke OP t1_iry4rez wrote

Thanks? I don’t even know what to say because that last part was all you had to say.

Thanks for all the laughs and hypocrisy along the way.


RevengencerAlf t1_iry4z1j wrote

I'd say you're welcome but I doubt you have the personal restraint, self control, rhetorical filter, or contextual literacy skills to actually use that information effectively after being such a dismissive baby about people not telling you what you want to hear, but what can I say I'm a sucker for fools I guess.

At this point you clearly just keep using words you don't even know the meaning of and it's sad as hell.


stuartroelke OP t1_iryt091 wrote

Yes, I wanted to hear advice about how to advocate for something I feel strongly about. You continue insult my intelligence, but I’ve made my intention and my stance well known at this point. You wouldn’t insult me if you didn’t want to elicit some kind of response, but I do not know what you were hoping to gain from spamming me with contrary opinions, giving me actual advice, and then senselessly bashing me with childish criticism. I’m left partially baffled by all this confusion and negativity, but with the same opinion I’ve had since the beginning.