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alcutts27 t1_itwjcak wrote

And 100% of those towns can blow me.


TecumsehSherman t1_itwkmdf wrote

If you're one of the people throwing them on the ground, I'm ok with you not living here.

Or, if you're one of those people I see buying a brick of nips in the morning and then breaking into it in their car before driving away, I would prefer that you not live anywhere near here.


alcutts27 t1_itwlfpp wrote

It's called a sleeve. And I specifically get the ones in glass, so when I throw them out my window they shatter on the sidewalk at six am.

I also leave my needles on park benches just to piss you off.


TecumsehSherman t1_itwm6nk wrote

>It's called a sleeve

Sorry, I don't speak loser.

Good on you for being bilingual, though.


alcutts27 t1_itwyd6j wrote

Hahahaha! Thanks, lots of higher education, had to learn how to deal with stiffs like you. Got my mastahs in go fuck yourself, while banging ya sista behind the dunkies dumpstah. I'm a bit of an over achiever.


tomdobs55 t1_itz387c wrote

Are you from Quincy, Revere, or Billerica?