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VulcanTrekkie45 OP t1_iu1zyf1 wrote

My problem is the lack of choice these people are given. Or do you think that hundreds of people voluntarily decided to get shipped to a random motel with little to no notice? You need to look into the details of the Martha’s Vineyard incident for everything you need to know on that front.


chucktownbtown t1_iu20w89 wrote

You should really research the conditions in these boarder towns.

They have Mass populations of homeless boarder crossers, living in conditions that would make Mass/Cass look upscale. Terrible violent crime to deal with, etc.

They are getting moved because they need to be. It’s also in their own best interest.

They also do not have to come here at all (as in cross the boarder), which is a choice they themselves made.

Our govt doesn’t just have millions of unoccupied govt housing facilities vacant and ready for this.


VulcanTrekkie45 OP t1_iu215ja wrote

You know that same reasoning was given for shipping Jews around Europe during the 1940s and we know how well that worked out…

May I remind you that seeking asylum is a basic human right? As is being treated better than simple cargo…


chucktownbtown t1_iu22w8s wrote

For one, I am Jewish with a grandfather who was in a work camp for 4 years and lost his whole family other than a sister… so fuck off with your comparison.

And two - I didn’t say for them not to come at all. Just that they themselves had the choice knowing there are no guarantees of housing, food, etc once here.

And three - are you that mad that our government is trying to find better living opportunities for them? Do you really prefer they struggle to find it on their own?


VulcanTrekkie45 OP t1_iu2318j wrote

I’d rather they be given the choice. Look at the way the Martha’s Vineyard migrants were duped. Trickery does not equal consent.


chucktownbtown t1_iu23f75 wrote

Can agree on that.

But what Florida did is different than what ICE is doing with transporting. There is an attempt to find them a landing ground (as in housing, not just an airport runway)


VulcanTrekkie45 OP t1_iu248mq wrote

Then why not alert the towns involved that they’re about to receive several hundred refugees? And after the MV incident, I think we really need to look into whether these people gave informed consent. Because I very much doubt many of them did


chucktownbtown t1_iu253xw wrote

I couldn’t tell you why they don’t alert the towns. We can both agree that a simple phone call would go a long way.

My guess is that a lot of towns would ask for them not to come here because of a lack of resources. Problem is that, where they are coming from, there are also a lack of resources.

I’m only stating the problems that exist.


VulcanTrekkie45 OP t1_iu23aa1 wrote

I’d also like to point out that being Jewish doesn’t make you immune to advocating genocide. So you should be well aware of how it happens.


chucktownbtown t1_iu242a5 wrote

You made an ignorant statement. To even compare what is happening now to what happened to them is ridiculous. And shows a lack of understanding as to what it’s like at our boarder for these asylum seekers.


VulcanTrekkie45 OP t1_iu24j3g wrote

Yeah, Jewish scholars haven’t been making that comparison for years or anything…

Besides this is how it started. Or are you gonna seriously argue that there are no similarities between this and relocating Jews into ghettos?


chucktownbtown t1_iu269op wrote

Moving migrants into housing, offering the kids places in our schools, giving them access to our healthcare to a level they have never had the opportunity to receive. Finding food sources for them. This is not the same.

Unless you are suggesting this is the end goal of the Biden administration. In which case, you should start demanding answers from our elected leaders.


VulcanTrekkie45 OP t1_iu26e99 wrote

I mean their policy so far has been almost no departure from Trump’s immigration policy, so…


chucktownbtown t1_iu27afw wrote

A big difference being trump eventually made asylum seekers stay in Mexico. Biden allows them to stay here (which I’ll note I agree with).

The difference in that policy made the crossings explode, however. We have as many asylum seekers now, in a 5 week span, that we would see annually before.

You can’t safely accommodate the vast increase in numbers in one area (the boarder).

Your energy should be spent directed at our state officials to prepare and welcome migrants here. All states should do it, because that’s what’s going to eventually happen anyway.


VulcanTrekkie45 OP t1_iu27fox wrote

That needs to be something done on a federal level though.


ReporterOther2179 t1_iu29oiv wrote

You are conflating two unrelated procedures. And the people have surrendered themselves to the system voluntarily. They would say that a random motel is an improvement in their condition.


VulcanTrekkie45 OP t1_iu29s2r wrote

And you know they consented to this how? What source do you have?


ReporterOther2179 t1_iu2iarn wrote

The fact that they are in the system because they asserted asylum. If they had not it would be back on the bus Jack , and we wouldn’t be talking about them. Elementary and fundamental.