Submitted by Momnipotent2k t3_yfjqdj in massachusetts

What’s a mixed drink that Massachusetts is known for? I know of the Cape Codder, but are there any others that are basically Mass. in a glass? Looking for off-the-beaten path types of drinks.



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Chippopotanuse t1_iu3qnq1 wrote

If you want “Mass in a glass”…I got news for you.

It’s gonna come in a plastic cup. Wrapped in a styrofoam cup. And it’ll have a Dunkies logo on the side. “Iced coffee extra extra”


BigScoops96 t1_iu3t3fz wrote

Think a White Russian, but instead of cream it’s clam chowder


MinneapolisKing25 t1_iu45l81 wrote

Sir, it isn’t even 9 am. you can’t just go saying things like that this early I’m the morning.


Starlightandspirits t1_iu57z75 wrote

They do this in Manhattan too. I believe it's called a clammy mary. Sorry i just threw up a little.


jaybo12345 t1_iu4gsra wrote

Large iced with a nip of Bailey's in it before Pats kickoff


Quercus-bicolor t1_iu3ylh1 wrote

If you want historic, Ward 8 comes to mind. The website Drink Boston has some other historic mentions.


DunkinRadio t1_iu5t14w wrote

Irish Coffee in a Dunks cup.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iu78y66 wrote

Gin and tonic that’s really just a pint glass of gin with a splash of tonic and a lime


Plants_Golf_Cooking t1_iu40bgf wrote

I’ve heard that the Mudslide is associated with the Cape region, but I’m not positive. Perhaps I just want a Mudslide


kethera__ t1_iu6h0ki wrote

rum and moxie is named something isn’t it?

edit: unless that’s too maine idk