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mofongoDorado t1_isfv7r8 wrote

Reply to comment by GreenSoxMonster in MassHealth for my kid by [deleted]

Insurance is not listed in the order, I’m to have sole (temporary) custody and placement of my kid, in a few months on the next court order I’ll most likely be made permanent.


katieleehaw t1_isgmmf4 wrote

The permanent order will address health insurance. Until then wherever coverage the kid already has should remain in place.


mofongoDorado t1_ishp11o wrote

It’s a different state so I assumed I needed a new insurance for my kid


GreenSoxMonster t1_ish7j4n wrote

That’s tough. I’m guessing that your work doesn’t see temporary orders as life changing event. Could you ask them before your next court date to clarify what should be in the new orders?