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Psychogistt t1_itrw2l8 wrote

Here’s 12 minutes of Democrats denying election results

It’s probably been happening since the beginning of Democracy


NativeMasshole t1_its2cg7 wrote

Where's the video of them pushing their way into the Capitol Building to try to stop the certification process?


TheLittleGardenia t1_its2qil wrote

It’s mildly disingenuous to equate democrats talking about 2016 election results, which were investigated by both the FBI and US Senate intelligence committee and found to have Russian interference with 2020, in which investigations have turned up nothing.


Psychogistt t1_its7wpz wrote

They said there was Russian interference but we’ve never seen evidence of that let alone proof. The whole investigation was based on a fake dossier funded by the DNC.

I think it just shows that the FBI was in on sowing discord and distrust in elections.

I vote mostly Dem but let’s not pretend like we don’t do the same shit.


TheLittleGardenia t1_its8x3u wrote

So the FBI and the US senate intelligence committee, both while Trump was in power, are lying. That’s your position?


Psychogistt t1_itse7ev wrote

In psychology we have a saying: the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

Considering that the FBI, and the intelligence community in general, have repeatedly lied to the American people, then it makes sense they would do it again.

The FBI is the same organization that tried to blackmail MLK into killings himself (and then maybe did kill him). It also recently came out that they tracked Aretha Franklin (of all people) for 40 years. And that’s just scratching the surface.

So yea, it wouldn’t surprise me if they lied. What makes you so willing to trust them?


TheLittleGardenia t1_itsj6sl wrote

What’s their motivation? Their guy is in power.

I guess you shouldn’t believe anything then, because apparently everyone lies