Submitted by HoneydewAdept3152 t3_yhwazs in massachusetts

I was visiting my GF's house in worcester and was stopped on the freeway entering worcester, I had went over and had cut off a car trying to get to exit 6a to worcester. The officer had giving me a citation for driving 70 in a 45 mph lane as I was heading off the exit. Should I fight this or should I just pay it off. The ticket is $360 and I'm not sure if it's worth fighting or should I pay it off and get it over with. My insurance is at $300 a month and I'm not even on my parents insurance so I don't think it'll affect anyone but me.



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HoneydewAdept3152 OP t1_iug0807 wrote

Sorry I had posted it first without context I just edited it with full context of the situation, if I go to court thing is I likely will have to drive from Connecticut where I'm going to college all the way back to attend.


Walmart_Prices t1_iug0m5o wrote

If you know you fucked up and got caught then pay. But if you think the price and the judgment of the cop wasn’t good. I say fight it


ECroce08 t1_iug0ph2 wrote

Don’t be a bitch and pay it


Ken-Popcorn t1_iug0xv0 wrote

What would be your basis for fighting it?


goldlion0806 t1_iug10m2 wrote

Appeal it. They almost always reduce the amount even if they don’t throw it out, and $360 is insane.


BigToeJob t1_iug1dg7 wrote

It doesn’t hurt to fight it if you have the time to take off for your hearing with the magistrate

You don’t even have to fight the cop…..all I did was say ‘I was speeding …. I’m here to ask for leniency’

If you have a clean driving record, you have a chance. It worked for me.


Puzzled_Transition48 t1_iug1jpn wrote

I interned at a courthouse in college - every single traffic citation that was appealed they reduced the cost of the ticket. If the time eating for court is worth it to you then appeal it.

When I was younger I had multiple speeding tickets - I just paid them and went on my way


pr1cklyp3ar t1_iug1t05 wrote

You deserve that ticket, sorry bud.


HoneydewAdept3152 OP t1_iug1voc wrote

From what I've read with responses I'm a bit on the fence of what to do really, since I do have a clean record but I'm also a new driver of only 3 years, I also would have to be driving an hour from ct to mass to attend this hearing


Easy-Progress8252 t1_iug38x6 wrote

Fight it but do this - offer to pay more (if you can afford it) to have it stricken as a moving violation. You’ll take a hit in the wallet short term but save $$ over premiums long term. I know someone who tried this in NH and it worked. So for example tell the magistrate you’re prepared to pay $500 for the court’s time. Don’t admit guilt, say you don’t want this in your record and act very apologetic.


ihiwidid t1_iug3l05 wrote

I fought a speeding ticket once. Never again. The fee was reduced by half but it wasn’t worth it for the time and humiliation. Judge was very rude and scornful. My advice is suck it up and pay. And slow down. 😉


Cost_Additional t1_iug8wvc wrote

Look at the ticket clinic see if they can help you. Get a lawyer, always worth a fight.


aly-moon t1_iug9abw wrote

You do have to show in person. And generally they give you a time and date to show. When you send it in that you've decided to contest. They assign you a morning or an afternoon session. Court begins at either 9 am or 1 pm generally for any municipality. And most times, takes about an hour or 2 based on your judge. You arent the only one there.... but there is no guarantee of time spent there.


mikemerriman t1_iugd0m9 wrote

Fight it how? You were speeding and got caught


seanwalter123 t1_iuhe3c5 wrote

I’d go and explain you’re not familiar with the area and were attempting to not miss your exit. You’ll probably get it reduced but without a lawyer I’ve never heard of someone who was actually speeding get out of their ticket. “This includes me”


ILikeCrabbyRobots t1_iuhfzky wrote

Just pay it, learn the lesson and stop driving like an asshole.


nofriender4life t1_iuhuhal wrote

fight it, claim you were going slower, this will cost you a small court fee, you wont even see a judge just some cop in the court house usually, and they will make it a like half or less after you explain, if they even give you a chance to speak at all lol after that you can appeal again but the court fees go up.


M_Shulman t1_iuhumj3 wrote

Yep, this. If you can spare a day it’s worth it to show up. Got one years ago at about your age. I stood up when they called my name, judge reduced it to court cost, and I was on my way. I didn’t even say a word.


Ok-Air7686 t1_iuhvakd wrote

you should expect your insurance premiums to increase over the next 5 years. If I’m remembering correctly I paid about $1200 in additional premiums over 5 years after getting a $75 speeding ticket for going 10 or 15 over the limit.

Your increase might be more significant because you were going 25 over the speed limit.


dadgamer85 t1_iuhzsrm wrote

prepare for higher insurance rates tbh. Fighting that will be tough.


-Im-A-Little-Teapot_ t1_iuic0b2 wrote

Good thing you weren't doing 75 mph. I think once you go 30 mph over the speed limit, it's a more serious offense and treated like a felony.


m_stuntz t1_iuix450 wrote

I would always fight the ticket, cost of insurance at your age is already ridiculously expensive.

Also FYI, my girlfriend got her first speeding ticket recently at 29. State Trooper got her on rt44 in Plymouth area.

She got the ticket on 9/28, and she has a virtual court hearing on 11/15.

So turn around isn't as bad as it used to be. Also virtual court hearing via zoom, so you're not wasting your whole day.


America_the_Horrific t1_iuj6ayc wrote

Always fight every ticket. Worst case you lose and pay thr ticket, best case they don't show up and you win by default


Codspear t1_iuk2t5o wrote

Pay it off. You’re not going to win anything +15 mph above the limit. Sucks that you got your speed cherry popped so young though. You can get like 12 warnings throughout your 20s as long as the police see you have a “clean record”. Once you get that first ticket though, you’re on the naughty list for life and you’ll get a ticket every time.