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PHD_Memer t1_ium191d wrote

Are you insane? There WAS an emergency in MV and as a result the government relocated them to a location with better resources. Fuck outa here with these dishonest questions go live in Alabama if youre gonna act like this


harborspirit t1_ium6458 wrote

Is Kingston a place with better resources? I really don't understand how you guys are able to put MV migrants and Kingston migrants in two different boxes in your heads.

The point is we have so many fucking illegal immigrants that were literally using our tax dollars to pay for food and hotels to house them. DeSantis was right to send them to MV because it got the country's attention finally.

Down vote me all you want, I'm speaking the uncomfortable truth!


PHD_Memer t1_ium7j0h wrote

Yes kingston has more resources are you kidding lmfao. It’s not a seasonal town that has it’s local economy drain to nil every winter. And it’s well connected to the rest of the south shore. And no, we aren’t wasting tax payer money to try and help human beings. Because these people, grab your hood for this one, PAY TAXES, wow crazy, every transaction they make, job they work, action they do, drives activity; economic, cultural, or social, in this commonwealth. It’s been a well documented fact that immigrants actually give and help economies grow. And no buddy you are NOT speaking the truth, you’re just another one of the all too common racists in the south shore who are terrified to see the white suburban state they were raised in disappearing, and to make it worse you see how others don’t care that it’s changing. Massachusetts will continue to become more diverse, more multicultural, and hopefully strive to provide better and more robust immigration infrastructure for future bay staters to settle in, because thats a GOOD thing, for all of us. If you want to be upset about shit, then you should really take a look at some other policy issues that warrant criticism on the south shore. We are RIDDLED with NIMBYS who will pretend to want to help, but say the same shit you do. Get angry that towns make high density apartment construction so limited, exasperating the housing crisis, or how we lack a real public transit system outside the metro area which places unnecessary burdens on urban communities in terms of being able to house new individuals and families. Our state has MANY issues, many that require immediate attention and are not talked about enough since it’s so much worse elsewhere. But brown people speaking Spanish/Portuguese/Creole/French? Not a problem at all


PakkyT t1_iumdyj1 wrote

> And no, we aren’t wasting tax payer money to try and help human beings.

You are just waiting your breath. Neocons are never happy unless they are directly causing pain and suffering to actual people they don't approve of. They are thrilled when they can pass some law and then immediate go hurt someone with it.


PHD_Memer t1_iumh1j1 wrote

Yah absolutely, this isn’t so much as me trying to convince him on anything it’s more just public shaming, can’t really make people afraid to be racist online so the best options kinda just cyber bully them