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mmmjjjk t1_iumd955 wrote

The difference is that there is not an opportunity to slander Desantis in this instance (who gave the migrants pamphlets of our actual state policies for refugees). It was only a “political stunt” because they were being sent to the rich haven of MV instead of a Town like mine where all the rich white saviors don’t have to deal with the instability it causes to the local economy and schools.

And guess what, if Florida and Texas were sending them out in proper proportions it would be thousands, not tens of people to feed and house.


smedlap OP t1_iumigxy wrote

It was a political stunt because the people sent to the vineyard were lied to. They were lied to by republicans. Lying is fine with todays republican party.


mmmjjjk t1_iumiuct wrote

Every “benefit” listed on the pamphlet was a genuine Massachusetts policy for refugees. Democrats don’t care about the smugglers and coyotes that got people here, and how many die trying. They just need something to keep the polls up. Only thing Abbot and Desantis did was point out hypocrisy and it worked extremely well


smedlap OP t1_iumonsa wrote

They lied. Republicans lie about all of it. We all know about coyotes and rapes. If we had a good immigration system, coyotes would not have jobs. Spoiler; a wall is not a good immigration system.


mmmjjjk t1_iumpagx wrote

If we had a good immigration system, immigrants would not think they could come here illegally and stay. Coyotes and smugglers will always exist, but without millions to hide amongst or a secure border their job would be much harder. If we didn’t have millions of illegal immigrants we would be able to handle a much higher volume of legal immigration. The only people who “win” with illegal immigration is democrats running for office.

PS, border walls do work, if they didn’t then Biden wouldn’t have finished adding walls at the weakest parts of the border. The goal of a wall isn’t to be impenetrable, it’s to deter.
