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ins0mniac_ t1_iun2mq8 wrote

Stop watching FoxNews, ya knob.


[deleted] t1_iun516x wrote



ins0mniac_ t1_iun6342 wrote

Because it's not destructive, unless you're some sort of racist that wants a white ethnostate.


[deleted] t1_iundmk7 wrote



ins0mniac_ t1_iune878 wrote

The US does not have a national language. It’s a testament to the millions of immigrants that moved here at some point. They don’t need to speak English. You give off “go back to your own country” vibes, blatant racism and a complete lack of empathy and compassion.

Move to Texas if you want to cry about immigration.

We are proud of our immigrant population here in Massachusetts.

Get fucked.


ins0mniac_ t1_iunh5sx wrote

Something tells me you’d have no problem with white refugees from a European country.

That something is that you are racist.


ReactsWithWords t1_iunn7ov wrote

Tee-hee. It always amuses me when they think we worship CNN the same way they worship Fox News. Nobody tell them the truth, I want to keep laughing at them.