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chickcag t1_iwjofsl wrote

I drove an SUV up until February when I bought a much smaller car and I’m blinded constantly now from behind


edith-bunker t1_iwjqyfk wrote

Same here and it’s scary, quite honestly. Not looking forward to this winter driving to and from work in the dark.


GreatStrengthOfFeet t1_iwkwhlb wrote

Ugh I hate this so much. I live in central MA aka land of the giant pickup trucks, but silly me I have a sedan. The worst is sitting at a stoplight with the person behind me shining a direct path into my sideview AND rearview mirrors.


Shufflebuzz t1_iwl29pw wrote

> I’m blinded constantly now from behind

adjust your mirrors

Flip the lever on your rear mirror. It'll knock down the brightness a lot.

Adjust your side mirrors to look to the side, not the rear. When adjusted properly, cars directly behind you won't be in your side mirrors.


FapForYourLife t1_iwmmzmx wrote

Even with your side mirrors adjusted correctly you’ll still get blinded by anyone in adjacent lanes. The night setting on the rear view does keep light out of your eyes, but it doesn’t stop your entire cabin from being filled with the light of a thousand suns from the Ram 2500 tailgating you.

Source: person with correctly adjusted side mirrors


Shufflebuzz t1_iwmpito wrote

It's much worse when your mirrors are badly adjusted.