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charons-voyage t1_iuoqipy wrote

We handed out 125 bags in 58 minutes (1 per little demon). Very densely populated hood in Quincy. Had to turn the lights off at 7pm cus we were outta ammo


DRZ36 t1_iuqtm9n wrote

Wow, your Halloween metric tracking is pretty advanced


charons-voyage t1_iur3yhe wrote

Haha I bet my wife that we would run out in an hour so I actually started a timer


Seaworthiness222 t1_iuo86ib wrote

A couple hundred.

I live on this wicked quiet street and people drop off the kids and there are SWARMS of them. They come in groups of 10-20.


Ineluki_742 t1_iuok3ml wrote

None. But it was super quite out. Not sure why fewer people were out this year… maybe cause it was a Monday?


aheksow OP t1_iuokqmw wrote

Could’ve been, I just miss the days when streets were packed!


PweetLB t1_iuoo0kj wrote

100+ they were being bussed in from RI- I had to close my doors in a hour I was wiped out


MechanicalBirbs t1_iuoqr83 wrote

My neighbor down the street had a counter thing and got about 250


LowkeyPony t1_iuob1w6 wrote

About 75. More than the last two years, which I expected. But far less than we used to get in our neighborhood.


Winter_Tomorrow t1_iuowl2m wrote

Over 300…we had to turn off the lights before 8 because we ran out of candy


Kvangel t1_iup5uib wrote

I get 0 every year and still I make goodie bags just in case.


JaKr8 t1_iupemdz wrote

Where we are in the Berkshires we get 0. Our neighborhood there is remote and has no kids. We spent it at our house on CT ( also kind of remote) and had about 65, which is about double our normal tally. We almost ran out of candy!... I had to dig into my personal stash of peanut butter cups to make it through!!


milesmaven16 t1_iuofm4i wrote

About 125. My street is hidden and usually quiet on Halloween, but we had several large groups this year. Glad I was ready!


BF1shY t1_iupp8px wrote

Maybe 30 or so.

I can't tell if I'm being crazy but there was no eye contact. The kids looked down at me giving candy, the parents kinda just looked at the kids or at the ground. I would say Hello or Happy Halloween and no one would look up and really engage me lol.

Is this post COVID socially awkward world or just social media and phones or something?


aheksow OP t1_iuskjuy wrote

Definitely a mix of covid and social media on that one, but parents should be setting the example.


dudeKhed t1_iuo89pt wrote

More than expected.. around 75ppl in a few hours.


Tacoman404 t1_iuoapio wrote

Only 8. Dead end street a little after most of the sidewalks end.


RunNPRun0316 t1_iuoh72u wrote

My Bayswater neighborhood gets hundreds of kids. The energy is absolutely wonderful!


Caduceus1515 t1_iuoysve wrote

10-20 years ago, our neighborhood used to get swarms - upwards of 500 I think -- it's a suburban neighborhood with low car traffic and lots of houses. Kids used to get dropped off. But in the last 10, the numbers have dwindled as kids seemed to go to more parties instead. Covid wiped out most of the rest. MAYBE had 50 last night.


massahoochie t1_iup6lcr wrote

About 50. Less than last year which was about double.


offtopyk t1_iup7u8f wrote

Probably 200. Maybe more.


rollinonpdubs t1_iupaqzr wrote

Zero, probably because it was a Monday. I expected at least a few because of the mild weather. More kids stopped by in 2020 when the weather stunk and the pandemic was in full swing. This year, we took our little kids out at 5:30pm, and we saw no other trick or treaters.


ferretninja91 t1_iupca8q wrote

got a bunch in Hull, kids came in droves! ran out of candy pretty quickly


Paleyam75 t1_iupflxx wrote

There was none out when I went with my kids but the people we saw were all nice and gave up extra candy bc we were the only ones


straycatbri t1_iuq10up wrote

maybe 60. they would come in WAVES and then be silent for an hour. i had a ton of candy so i was giving lots and lots in hopes of making kids nights. got yelled at by 2 dads. it was my first time doing this so that kind of sucked.

but the kids were very polite and nice and always lit up when i told them to take as much as they could.


Ok_District2853 t1_iuqakgj wrote

  1. I usually keep count to estimate the next year. It’s Down from a record of 125 in 2015. It was such a mild night I had hoped to break 100. Now I have to eat 50 full size bars. I’m not going to poop right for a month.

wgc123 t1_ius0d59 wrote

I turned my lights out, but also noticed the whole street was dark. We used to be a destination but since COViD started , it feels like an entire generation of kids is missing


aheksow OP t1_iusky96 wrote

Definitely, sure as heck isn’t the same atmosphere as when I was a kid.. it’s depressing. I remember when the streets were so crowded you had to either wait or go to a different house until that house was clear


Watchfull_Hosemaster t1_ius97mb wrote

Probably around 50 - 75 kids came around.


It was pretty moderate, but a little slower than it has been in previous years.


Ambitious-Yogurt2810 t1_iuookzw wrote

No, hardly get any every year. Live at the bottom of a dead end, little light, no sidewalks, older neighborhood


TheGreatBelow023 t1_iuosqgh wrote


I also live in a Republican town that tries to ban books and thinks that everyone is handing out edible fentanyl.



LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iupghnn wrote

I got about 6 kids. I usually get probably 75-100.


Borner791 t1_iupmdlq wrote

20-30, but over really early.


sase_o t1_iupnlb0 wrote

About a dozen on my street in JP, which honestly is more than I expected so I was pretty happy with the turnout.


NativeMasshole t1_iuppgu3 wrote

I live in the center of town, I couldn't find literally anywhere to park. People were everywhere. I miss living in the woods.


BlueJay_NE t1_iuqzgzy wrote

None. We live on a quiet, woodsy road. All the smart parents take their kids to more densely packed neighborhoods.


cdiairsoft t1_iurkzts wrote

  1. My driveway is about 350 feet long. Kids miss out. We hand out pokemon booster packs and king-size candy.

BannedMyName t1_iusxsef wrote

People are all traveling to non-native neighborhoods to get a better experience. The result is some neighborhoods that don't get anybody anymore and others that get rocked.


KenOfEarth t1_iuobew5 wrote

They scored all their fentanyl before they got to your house.
