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ErkMcGurk t1_ius8jyv wrote

This seems to be the thing to do now. In Watertown, it now costs $46 to recycle a mattress, but if it's too dirty to be sold to someone else, it costs $81. If somebody takes the mattress from your curb before the recycling people come, the recycling people only charge you $25.


Hilarias_Glucose_Cup t1_ius92yr wrote

It is going to come down to time and convenience for a lot of people. It is a toss up to me whether I sneak it in my trash or if i'd rather deal with the 20 minute ride to the dump, waiting in line behind a bunch of contractors dumping their trash so i can get yelled at by the guy directing cars at the trash center, and then get in line to pay however much it cost to dump it.

If I do the cut it up at home and sneak it in the trash, it may take some time but I'm not dealing with the hassle of the trash place and I can do it at my own pace.


ErkMcGurk t1_iusa57f wrote

Once it's disassembled, it's not a mattress, it's just a piece of dirty old fabric and a bunch of springs, and not subject to mattress disposal laws 😉


Hilarias_Glucose_Cup t1_iusaiea wrote

Thought about it and I'd definitely rather disassemble it than face those angry junk yard workers 😂 Those guys are like going to the Registry.