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notmyrealname17 t1_iwiu79a wrote

Definitely glad we started raising chickens a few years ago, outside of the initial cost and labor of setting up a coop it's really easy and feed prices seem to be steadier than human food prices.


warlocc_ t1_iwj2t55 wrote

Same thing. Got 6 chickens. Good eggs, plus a fun hobby. They're surprisingly intelligent and curious.


notmyrealname17 t1_iwjvkb3 wrote

Yeah it was my wife's idea, but I've grown to love them. Now that we have a huge run set up it's like clockwork, definitely was some work raising them from chicks and building everything, but I had fun with it.


Chatty_Fellow t1_iwju97d wrote

It's hard to kill & eat them after you know them, and they must take some preparation that people aren't used to these days - plucking, etc. I guess if you're up for it that's great.


JaneFairfaxCult t1_iwks2ow wrote

Most people I know keep them for the eggs, not meat. They’re like pets.


bostonmacosx OP t1_iwiulk7 wrote

How many? been thinking about it.. I have a hydroponic garden....chickens and I'm done ;)


notmyrealname17 t1_iwjvtkm wrote

We started with 6, unfortunately one got snatched by a hawk but we still have 5 going strong close to 2 years later. Raising chicks requires a lot more attention than maintaining chickens and obviously building a coop/run took time and money but now that we're set up it's very easy and they're pretty cool to hang out with.


Dreadedtrash t1_iwkz5oj wrote

Where are you buying feed? When we started probably 4 years ago or so a 50lb bag of feed from Tractor Supply was like $12 now its closer to $20. Oh and on top of that I have 2 chickens that eat eggs. So I am lucky to get 1 egg a day out of 9 chickens. Once it gets a little colder it will be 0 until Spring.


notmyrealname17 t1_iwng9qv wrote

Oof sorry to hear about all of that, we started in spring 2021 and feed has gone from 16-18 in that span, which compared to other inflation I've seen isn't too bad. We always buy it at a local place nearby called Westfield feed, if you're in the area there's also one called Easthampton feed owned by the same folks. Luckily we haven't had any issues with them eating their eggs and we're still getting at least 3 a day out of 5 birds although that will go down to 2-1 in the dead of the winter.