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Appropriate-XBL t1_ivajxsp wrote

I think you’re right, that everything would just be better if people followed the right-of-way rules, but ignoring these rules seems to be the standard in and around Boston at least. People constantly stop and let cars in.

It’s odd, because so many people told me the drivers would be hyper aggressive before I got here. But they’re not, for the most part. What I see mostly is comically bad/inattentive driving, and… people letting people in when they should just go. It’s like everyone is being too… nice?

Also, as a non-native, I wonder if the pandemic changed the way people drive here. Was this total disregard for right-of-way laws common before the pandemic?


New_Accountant1884 t1_ivanshi wrote

Recently moved here from CA. I am in shock at how people drive out here.


Appropriate-XBL t1_ivao0ij wrote

It’s soooo bad. I drive rarely and not very far, but I can always depend on seeing at least one crazy thing for every two or three miles covered.


Lucybruin t1_ivc25pb wrote

The political climate, as well, as the pandemic have brought out the worst in most people. All of a sudden, it’s OK to have swear words written all over your car Cartoons of people pissing on other people bumper stickers of machine guns, which I guess are supposed to be intimidating. It’s not just Boston. It’s everywhere in Massachusetts. I don’t see how It could change. You do your best. I’ll do mine. Good luck.


TeaHatter t1_ivcuurx wrote

Definitely made it worse. The amount of traffic buildup because no one knows how to navigate roadways here is infuriating. looking at you specifically, 3-S/95-N loop