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foreducatio OP t1_ivlfa7i wrote

What would you say? If I can go to work and come home and be safe. Then I am fine.


aheksow t1_ivlfpv1 wrote

I think you’ll be able to do that. I have friends who grew up in JP back when it was very unsafe, they saw some things they shouldn’t have but thankfully they’re okay. My point is that when I ask my friend about other places in Boston she always says “oh anywhere is better than it used to be, with a few exceptions” and she’s never said Hyde park as a place that is excluded 😂


foreducatio OP t1_ivliqq0 wrote

Ok cool. I'd rather not pay crazy money for somewhere closer to the city and I do prefer the suburbs even if it is a working class suburb. I just need to not die. Lol


aheksow t1_ivljj2h wrote

Yes you will be totally fine. Most cities there have gotten better not worse, I am also a Suburb person. Hyde park is a good mix, whereas other places are all out city like.