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lostmindplzhelp t1_iybn5go wrote

So you thought 90 was the posted speed limit? Are you from Massachusetts? The highest speed limit we have here is 65. Maybe you could get a judge to reduce your fine or something if you act apologetic but I doubt blaming the police is gonna work. It would be pretty funny if they gave the cop a ticket too though.

If you're thinking of fighting this one and using that defence you should probably retrace that route and see if you passed any speed limit signs. If there aren't any on that stretch of road you may have a valid argument. I think you would have better luck just pretending you didn't know you were going so fast and asking for leniency.

The cop who writes the ticket isn't always the one who shows up in court if you fight it, so they may not even know anything more than what the cop wrote down on the ticket, and you could play it off like you just accidentally went over the speed limit briefly.