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ak47workaccnt OP t1_iwkvycj wrote

>A law Gov. Charlie Baker signed in January 2021 created the commission to review the seal and motto

>The law originally set an Oct. 1, 2021

>Six months ago, members of a special commission unanimously agreed that Massachusetts should replace its state seal and motto.

>Commissioners were hoping to secure a third extension, until March 2023, to give them time to solicit public input.

>At a virtual meeting Tuesday, commission members discussed the possibility of steering the money toward a survey that would gauge what Massachusetts residents want in a new state seal, or using it to hire a graphic designer.

It took them until 6 months after their first deadline to even agree that it should be changed at all. WTF?

Why, after nearly two years, are they just now considering surveying the public?

What is going on here? Is the commission spending all of its time and money figuring out how to get more extensions instead of doing their job?

These lawmakers are on the commission and presumably bear some responsibility for dragging this out as long as possible.


Cheap_Coffee t1_iwl381m wrote

This is just me, but a new state seal is fairly low on my list of things to worry about.


ak47workaccnt OP t1_iwl3mm3 wrote

The state keeps wasting money on this project that isn't going anywhere. I'm frustrated.


WinsingtonIII t1_iwpzoxz wrote

I mean, how much do you think is actually being spent on this? The lawmakers are just getting paid their standard salary anyways and it doesn't sound like much has been done on this topic.

Sure, it's silly that this is taking so long, but it surely isn't a priority and it costs essentially nothing to have these existing lawmakers technically be part of a commission if that commission isn't actively doing anything.

If they were commissioning a bunch of surveys and focus groups, etc. and then not doing anything with the results, then sure, that would be wasting taxpayer money. The $100,000 mentioned in the article was only allocated last week (so it hasn't been used yet) and is a tiny amount of money in the context of a $40 - 50 billion state government budget.

Of all the topics to get mad about regarding government waste, this is not it, it's a miniscule amount of money.


warlocc_ t1_iwm3l13 wrote

Massachusetts wasting taxpayer money?!

This is my shocked face!


[deleted] t1_iwo3rgt wrote



warlocc_ t1_iwo75x3 wrote

... Did you not read the very comment I replied to? Or do you need a long list of examples to ignore?


bubalusarnee t1_iwodsg3 wrote

Well, it would seem you're referencing additional previous waste.

So, yeah. That's, um, how claims work....


bubalusarnee t1_iwodhrm wrote

>What is going on here?

This, sir or madam, is Peak Massachusetts.

we don't have rodeo's, but we do have the j way. Is this your first trip down the j way?


No_Bowler9121 t1_iwngqri wrote

New state motto, get the fuck out of the left lane if you're going to drive slow


ak47workaccnt OP t1_iwnhrp5 wrote

Massachusetts, the "can you believe this fuckin' guy? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" state.


ConwayPuder t1_iwl8l0e wrote

Real stumper. Maybe there's bigger priorities or a new administration coming in January.

I couldn't tell you the last time I blew my nose, either.