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Revolutionary-Toe789 t1_iw07kps wrote

Not a lawyer, but a doctors note doesn’t keep you from being fired if not on PFML or Seeking reasonable accommodation after being disabled. You Can’t fire someone for seeking workman’s comp. Without more info this seems like a shitty, but likely legal situation IMO.

Dad can likely file suit for his injury as it was work related.

Just curious, did you dad let work know he wouldn’t be coming in in advance? If so, his workplace sucks.


sharkymcmiller OP t1_iw08c7r wrote

Thank you so much for that information.

Yep, he did let them know and provided the doctor’s note too.


Suspicious-Relief-31 t1_iw0b1xr wrote

● Not a lawyer ● But one of the most important documents, (if work related) will be the official accident report ! Do not allow his supervisor, to stand over, or demand you fill it out in HR office. He will need to show ,this injury was and is a part of his regular job duties....also It seems that accident report should be completed ASAP ! ALSO, HR is there to protect the company, Workers comp. To protect the injured worker. GOOD LUCK !