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Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_ix1oy78 wrote

NO! How about we open the pipelines, increase production while the greenies get their act together and start putting in an infrastructure. I cannot believe that it has taken this long and nothing to little has been done.

Nothing has been done about charging for elec cars and making it available for quick charging, nothing has been done to sure up the electric grid so that it can handle the increased usage. You cannot even get solar panels for your home because it is too expensive and idiotic BS with how they contract it out to people.

Let's face it, there is no reason whatsoever why the renewable sector has done a crappy job getting things into place. Until then everyone still needs energy to live their lives.


cathellsky t1_ix20bv5 wrote

"No reason whatsoever" I think you forgot about funding. How would we pay for the infrastructure? Aren't taxes evil? Surely you don't mean people should improve these things for the betterment of society on charity in this capitalist market?