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somegridplayer t1_ix3ehc0 wrote

Jesus fuck stop making shit up. All the companies have mountains of permits to drill. They're not using them. And keep screeching about Keystone. Gas prices would be even higher if it went through.


BombShady12 t1_ix51u2r wrote

Of course they’re not. Epa regulate drilling and exploration and the Biden administration has made it very difficult and expensive to do both.

“Oct 6, 2021 — President Biden has promised to reinstate more than 100 rules and regulations aimed at environmental protection that his predecessor rolled back ...”

“The Trump Administration Rolled Back More Than 100 Environmental Rules. Here’s the Full List.”

You people are truly ignorant.


somegridplayer t1_ix52d2t wrote

Those regulations existed before the fat orange turd and didn't stop drilling. Go back to fapping in conservative and pretending you know anything about oil.

Also you're too daft to know oil supply isn't the issue, it's cracking prices are still through the roof. Again, having nothing to do with regulation but the fact that demand was so low during the pandemic that they spun down the plants, and now that prices are skyrocketed and they're making money hand over fist, there's no reason to bring them back online.


Clear_Forever_2669 t1_ix6faxw wrote

If you look at the levels of the strategic petroleum reserves when trump took office versus when he left, it was significantly lower.

You can safely ignore the uneducated boomer scumbag screeching about "dems."