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2tuna2furious t1_ix8hkam wrote

US merchant marine employment is like 10,000 people and they wouldn’t necessarily be unemployed by a repeal in the Jones act

Domestically shipped goods are rarely shipped between US ports because the Jones Act makes it expensive compared to truck and rail. This congests the roads and increases carbon emissions. Areas like Puerto Rico and Hawaii don’t have truck or rail connections so they get screwed bigly

The Jones act has been in place for 100 years and the US merchant marine and shipping industry has been decimated anyway. It has been an abject failure


cheesy-alias t1_ix8lnzo wrote

I think you’re grossly underestimating with 10,000 jobs. Also, the merchant marine and commercial vessels, which are governed by the jones act, are two separate things. Most goods aren’t moved by US flagged vessels because not much is made here sadly. Most of the jones act vessels are moving your fuel, not the goods you see in Walmart. Advocating against the jones act is advocating against American workers and American unions.