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Clear_Forever_2669 t1_iy1y8mb wrote

>Talk to your local reps and demand that they control the immigration problem.

>Low Welfare. And no income tax to pay for the deluxe package neighboring states offer.

No one cares what an uneducated, racist, manual-laboring, piece of shit thinks.

You're just a lowlife loser that will always whine about minorities, the less fortunate, etc.


trash_bin_84 t1_iy20n48 wrote

Bro, are you being classist? Manual labor jobs are absolutely necessary for a functioning society and there's NOTHING wrong with it. You sound very classist right now by looking down on blue collar workers. Also, education is NOT as accessible in this country as it should be. If you want people to listen, you can't just insult them.

ETA: Go ahead, show us your degrees. Give is your credentials. If you think people who are uneducated are worth less than you, then I'm willing to bet there's a lot of people who are "worth" more than you by your own criteria.

Source: I'm in college and dating a manual laborer. I have plans for higher education and he will work in a trade. Unlike you, I'm not a fucking classist. And no, I'm not racist either. I'm pretty left leaning, and I can imagine that you are as well. This just isn't the way to make a positive difference.

Just wanted to add one more thing as well: I don't believe hate speech is productive by any means. I'm bisexual and I faced a lot of shit for it in highschool when it got out. I got called a terrorist at my school because my dad is mixed and they said my dad looked like a "towel head". However, if people never voice their opinions, then they can't be shown alternate opinions. I don't like homophobes, but if nobody knows that they're homophobic then nobody can change their mind. They can't learn if we don't teach them. It shouldn't have to be our job to teach them, but we're the only ones who can do it. Same goes for racism. It can really lead to them opening their eyes. However, when you go around calling people all kinds of names, they're just going to think "people of x race/religion/sexuality are like this" and you're reinforcing their negative views. Why not just try to be nice?


Clear_Forever_2669 t1_iy212te wrote

There's nothing wrong with manual labor.

There's something VERY wrong about uneducated manual laborers being racist pieces of shit.


trash_bin_84 t1_iy21u0j wrote

Hey, I edited my comment before I saw that you had responded. I'm actually going to school for Spanish and my dream is to be an immigration lawyer and help people get here, even if they originally came in illegally. Some people are desperate to get out of their bad situations and I believe they deserve a chance at a decent life, so I'm totally not against your opinion. You just won't help the situation by tossing insults at people. Instead, I try to show people kindness. Sometimes you just can't get through to people (lord knows that a lot of my family is racist and homophobic and hate anything other than Catholics and baptists), and it isn't worth your energy, but it just isn't productive to immediately hurl insults. I just wouldn't say anything at all at that point because you can't change their mind anyway, why waste the energy and anger?


trash_bin_84 t1_iy227hu wrote

Also, being uneducated and a manual laborer aren't inheritently negative traits. When you use them alongside other words, such as racist or "piece of shit", you make it sound like the first two are also negative things. They're certainly negative, but I don't think they're a direct reflection of someone's character. I just wouldn't lump that in with the other things you're saying, even if all of them are true


Clear_Forever_2669 t1_iy2bi78 wrote

Again, stop taking it personally when it's not addressed to you.

It's addressed to the lowlife piece of shit. This isn't about you and your hangup is with yourself.


trash_bin_84 t1_iy2c0er wrote

Okay. It wasn't personal lmao, but if you wanna psychoanalyze me and decide it's about hangups or smth then that's on you. Giving personal experiences as examples doesn't mean i took it personally but just keep doing you man


craigawoo t1_iy5ghdt wrote

Ok so you think they way people are coming into the US is normal safe and healthy for the people and the country?

And yes NH has low welfare and doesn’t attract the hoards of people looking for free money.

Your either a young moron with zero life experience or maybe a belligerent liberal with their blinders on. But I still go back to you being unstable.


Clear_Forever_2669 t1_iy6pzjp wrote

You're a weak, limp, uneducated, racist.

Your opinion is worthless and I'm so glad that you wield no power and never will.

You'll forever be a pathetic clown wallowing in irrelevance whining about minorities.


craigawoo t1_iy7rxrg wrote

That’s all people like you do… tell someone they’re dumb and racist. That’s original. I would have the same opinion if they were coming from Europe.

So again, what have you done in life what is your education and work experience?


Clear_Forever_2669 t1_iy84d47 wrote

You are dumb and racist, though.

You're demonstrating it.

You whine about immigrants because you're so pathetic that a disadvantaged immigrant to your own home country can do better than you with less resources, facing racism from inbred trash like you, and all while having access to barely a fraction of what you have.

No wonder you're such a whiny little bitch. You're a fragile loser.

Edit: lol the weak racist pussy blocked me and ran away like all fragile trash do when confronted. He didn't think anyone could see his post history until he was directly quoted.


craigawoo t1_iy8apec wrote

Big words from a coward who won’t answer a question. You must be a child. I thought I was having an adult conversation. We’re done…


craigawoo t1_iy5stj0 wrote

What’s your job and education background? It’s kinda pertinent to such a conversation.