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trash_bin_84 t1_iy227hu wrote

Also, being uneducated and a manual laborer aren't inheritently negative traits. When you use them alongside other words, such as racist or "piece of shit", you make it sound like the first two are also negative things. They're certainly negative, but I don't think they're a direct reflection of someone's character. I just wouldn't lump that in with the other things you're saying, even if all of them are true


Clear_Forever_2669 t1_iy2bi78 wrote

Again, stop taking it personally when it's not addressed to you.

It's addressed to the lowlife piece of shit. This isn't about you and your hangup is with yourself.


trash_bin_84 t1_iy2c0er wrote

Okay. It wasn't personal lmao, but if you wanna psychoanalyze me and decide it's about hangups or smth then that's on you. Giving personal experiences as examples doesn't mean i took it personally but just keep doing you man